Rob Janssen

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The dark side of .io: How the U.K. is making web domain profits from a shady Cold War land deal

The .io country code top-level domain is pretty popular right now, particularly among tech startups that want to take advantage of the snappy input/output reference and the relative availability of names —, and are just a few examples.

The Top 100 Science Fiction-Themed Songs Of All Time

Whether it be rock or rap, metal or country, no genre of music has been left untouched by the influence of science fiction. Here are the 100 greatest songs about science fiction. A couple of years ago we presented the top 100 essential albums for science fiction fans.

Don’t Believe Anyone Who Tells You Learning To Code Is Easy

One of the most dangerous things I’ve seen happen to people who are just starting to code is being told that it’s easy. Drawing by me. (I am better at coding than drawing.)

Stupid NES Tricks – Screen Wrap Detection

One particularly tricky problem encountered during the development of Star Versus was detecting screen wrap. The solution involved discovering a neat trick that exploits the NES’s 6502 processor. The core engine of Star Versus moves all objects every frame.

Message Driven Systems: Some Rules of Engagement

For the past several months, I’ve been working on an ASP.NET Web API project that uses NServiceBus to deliver events and commands to services that do all of the heavy lifting for the application.

Clipboard Hijacking with HTML5Tim Branyen @tbranyen

Today I learned from Guillermo Rauch that Google Chrome 43 is now shipping, on both desktop and mobile, with the ability to modify the system clipboard.

What's wrong with pcap filters?

I recently watched a video of a great talk on the early days of pcap by Steve McCanne.

The End of Software Versions

Software version numbers are the crack cocaine of change management. They are an easy and attractive path to serious long term stress and pain. The worst ever distress in the ZeroMQ community came from allowing library version numbers to define compatibility.

C# Futures: Method Contracts

For several years, developers have had the ability to add method level contracts via the Code Contracts research project. But this has a number of problems. It uses an imperative syntax that is verbose and poorly supported by tooling.

Let's talk about time with Patrik Fa¨ltstro¨m - Google Tech Talk Meetup

A presentation about the challenges and opportunities with time, at Google Tech Talk Stockholm.Find all future meetups at

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.