Here is a short summary of DBMS : database management systems. If you would like to read those in a nicely formatted PDF or if you have any questions / suggestions / requests, feel free to send me a tweet @dandancrisan.
Exit InterviewJava master Bawan was interviewing an applicant for the Elephant's Footprint Clan.
Why I’m Not Sold on MongoDBDisclaimer: While I’ve experimented with MongoDB, I haven’t deployed it to production. These are my honest reservations that keep me from deploying a production app in Mongo. I welcome comments from those who have spent time in the trenches. There are features I really enjoy about MongoDB. – Interview with Eric LippertHow did you get into software development? When I was six or seven years old my school library got a couple of Commodore PETs. There was a special school edition of the PET that came with a Waterloo BASIC chip, and we had some stock PETs as well.
Announcing Globalize 1.0The jQuery Foundation is excited to announce the 1.0 release of the Globalize project, our internationalization (i18n) library.
Everyone has JavaScript, right?Your user requests your web app Has the page loaded yet? “All your users are non-JS while they're downloading your JS” — Jake Archibald Did the HTTP request for the JavaScript succeed? If they're on a train and their net connection goes away before your JavaScript loads, then there's no JavaSc
CRT Simulation in Super Win the GameOver the last few years, I've released a couple of indie games which have featured pixel art processed through a CRT simulation shader.
40 Key Computer Science Concepts Explained In Layman’s TermsTo make learning more fun and interesting, here’s a list of important computer science theories and concepts explained with analogies and minimal technical terms. It’s like an ultra-fast-track computer science degree program for everyone, just to get you to understand the general concepts.
Call me maybe: MongoDB stale readsIn May of 2013, we showed that MongoDB 2.4.3 would lose acknowledged writes at all consistency levels. Every write concern less than MAJORITY loses data by design due to rollbacks–but even WriteConcern.
Technical Phone Screen HOWTOYou have 30 minutes to guess at the capability and fit of an incoming candidate. How do you do that? You have to assess a few key areas quickly. Here are my tips for the person conducting the screening, written from the perspective of the inner monologue I have when I do phone screens.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.