Game Developers Conference 2015 Mike Acton Insomniac Games, Inc free content Programming Programming
Enough With the Salts: Updates on Secure Password SchemesI’ve been spending some time recently combing through the old Matasano Blog Catacombs and blowing the dust off years old tomes. It’s been amazing to see how much information from years ago is still relevant today.
Obsessive Efficiency DisorderIt's a bit like OCD, but more efficient.[1] Having had a few talks with colleagues about this, it's clear I'm not alone. In fact, many of us who are working at a high pace and functioning at a high level seem to experience this.
Loading CSS without blocking renderThis article demonstrates a technique to get content in front of visitors as quickly as possible by asynchronously downloading stylesheets to prevent them from blocking page render. The principles behind these techniques aren't new.
Choose Boring TechnologyProbably the single best thing to happen to me in my career was having had Kellan placed in charge of me. I stuck around long enough to see Kellan's technical decisionmaking start to bear fruit. I learned a great deal from this, but I also learned a great deal as a result of this.
Your Constructors Are Completely IrrationalWhen clients ask me to help them with legacy code it generally takes less than 30 minutes for me to run into a debilitating constructor—a term I use to describe a constructor that does too much.
Fix your slow MongoDB queries in a few minutesIf your application is executing hundreds or even thousands of queries a second, how do you quickly find which queries are causing performance issues? Figuring out why your application is running slow often is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
How to save datetimes for future events - (when UTC is not the right answer)Imagine that it’s January 2015 and you’re making an appointment in a calendar application for a meeting that will take place in Santiago, Chile on the April 30th at 10:00 in the morning.
6 important things to know about how your brain learnsThis post originally appeared on the Crew blog. Whether you want to learn a new language, learn to cook, take up a musical instrument, or just get more out of the books you read, it helps to know how your brain learns.
Functional C#: Non-nullable reference typesThis is the third article in my Functional C# series. Looks pretty familiar, doesn’t it? But what issues do you see in this code?
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.