Rob Janssen

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Stream processing, Event sourcing, Reactive, CEP… and making sense of it all

This is an edited transcript of a talk I gave at /dev/winter 2015. Some people call it stream processing. Others call it Event Sourcing or CQRS. Some even call it Complex Event Processing.

Filtering Akka Streams by elapsed time

It has been a while since my last blog post, sometimes the day job gets in the way of the more interesting experiments worth blogging about. However, lately I’ve had some time to play with the latest Akka Streams (1.

Bad Practices Building Microservices

Although it’s interesting and inspiring to read about others success stories implementing a microservices architecture there are traps to avoid falling into by learning from mistakes made by others, Vladimir Khorikov writes sharing some bad practices he experienced during his work with a company

You’re not going to do Microservices

Seems like every 5 to 10 years our industry, especially in the Enterprise Integration, or enterprise application space, we get introduced to some new methodology or architectural style that’s the best since sliced bread and will make you 10x more productive and make your enterprise more agile, fl

12 Unit Testing Myths and Practices

Unit testing, though widely implemented these days, can be a little misunderstood. From developers who don’t yet see the advantages, to project managers who aren’t convinced of it’s worth; unit testing still has its skeptics.


We've made it three hours without slippery slopes coming up! This is the first design meeting for the version of C# coming after C# 6. We shall colloquially refer to it as C# 7. The meeting focused on setting the stage for the design process and homing in on major themes and features.


Keep it Together: Encouraging Cooperative Behavior... by Patrick Redding Break It Down! How Harmonix and Kinect Taught the...

Be Mad: Stacktraces are All Upside Down

So imagine you’re sitting programming in your terminal, and you cause a new bug in a unit test. This is normal, it happens hundreds of times a day. You reach for your mouse and start to scroll up to the top of the stacktrace to figure out what’s up.

Failure to Launch

Medicine was very different in the early 1900’s. It was challenging to find cadavers, so Surgeons got all their practice on pigs before they ever touched a live human for surgery. This is where we are with development: we program on pigs and then deploy to humans.

"Another World" source code review

I spent two weeks reading and reverse engineering further the source code of Another World ("Out Of This World" in North America). I based my work on Gregory Montoir's "binary to C++" initial reverse engineering from the DOS executable.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.