"When I made my first game, I was scared of writing graphics code and dealing with browser quirks and player input events. So, I used a game framework to handle that stuff for me. Later, I discovered that stuff is not so scary. I will live-code an action game from scratch without using any libraries
Beyond SOLID: The Dependency Elimination PrincipleLast post I explained why I don't teach the SOLID design principles. Read the post for more detail, but the primary reason is that SOLID encourages heavy use of dependencies.
Try Akka.NET now!Follow our tutorial and build your first Akka.NET application today. Akka.NET is a toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault-tolerant event-driven applications on .NET and Mono.
Akka.NETAnd most impressively, Roger was interviewed about Akka.NET on .NET Rocks! . The .NET community embraced Akka.NET in 2014, and we're going to work together as a developer community to make it even bigger in 2015.
What I Wish I Knew When I Started My Career as a Software DeveloperWhen you're starting your career in any field, you probably have high hopes but don't really know what to expect. Should you keep your head down and do what you're told or should you aim only for ambitious projects? Here's what I've learned in my experience as a software developer.
Why I Don't Teach SOLIDIf you talk about software design with anyone who cares about code quality, you won't spend much time before you hear SOLID.
Why Microservices MatterAll successful applications grow more complex over time, and that complexity creates challenges in development.
Eigenvectors and eigenvalues explained visuallyIt turns out that a matrix like $A$, whose rows add up to zero (try it!), is called a Markov matrix, and it always has $\lambda = 1$ as an eigenvalue. That means there's a value of $v_t$ for which $Av_t =\lambda v_t = 1 v_t = v_t$.
You’ll Always Miss Being in the BasementWe were tucked away in the corner room of a damp, musky basement. A walking cliché, really: a handful of basically kids, working on The Next Big Thing, getting paid practically nothing, in a startup on University Ave in Palo Alto.
These 6 Simple Changes Made My Recent Side Project Go ViralSunday night. It’s almost midnight. I have to wake up early tomorrow for school. But I’m working on a side project. I make a git commit and push it. And there’s the dreaded .DS_Store file in the change. This has happened dozens of time to me?—?committing unneeded files.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.