Traditionally, there have been just two types of programming languages: statically compiled languages and dynamically interpreted languages.
F# introduction for my coworkers A quick, dirty, and mostly wrong introduction to F#This is a quick introduction to F# some essential features we use in our project at work. I've written this for my coworkers with little to no experience in F# or functional programming to get them up to speed on the basics needed to read, understand and contribute to our projects.
The Extreme World of Ultra Intense Lasers - with Kate LancasterThe most powerful lasers in the world can be used to make some of the most extreme conditions possible on earth, and are revolutionising science. Dr Kate Lancaster leads you through this extreme world with demonstrations along the way. lasers were invented over half a c
The Absurdly Underestimated Dangers of CSV InjectionI’ve been doing the local usergroup circuit with this lately and have been asked to write it up. In some ways this is old news, but in other ways…well, I think few realize how absolutely devastating and omnipresent this vulnerability can be.
Floating point numbers made simpleBased on a great post by Fabien Sanglard, over at, I figured I should add some more information about floating point numbers. The information is universally applicable to any programming language and comes in handy in many weird cases.
dotnet/coreclrWelcome to the Book of the Runtime (BOTR) for the .NET Runtime. This contains a collection of articles about the non-trivial internals of the .NET Runtime. Its intended audience are people actually modifying the code or simply wishing to have a deep understanding of the runtime.
SimpleCV - Computer Vision using PythonKatherine ScottThis talk is a brief summary of Computer Vision tutorial we proposed for PyCon. In this talk we will discuss what computer vision is, why it's useful, what tools exist in the Python ecosystem, and how to apply it to your project. T
A Digital Media Primer for GeeksThis first video from Xiph.Org presents the technical foundations of modern digital media via a half-hour firehose of information. One community member called it "a Uni lecture I never got but really wanted."
Digital Show & TellContinuing the "firehose" tradition of maximum information density, Xiph.Org's second video on digital media explores multiple facets of digital audio signals and how they really behave in the real world.
What every software engineer should know about searchAsk a software engineer: “How would you add search functionality to your product?” or “How do I build a search engine?” You’ll probably immediately hear back something like: “Oh, we’d just launch an ElasticSearch cluster. Search is easy these days.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.