Luckily, I know this about myself. This allows me to consciously engineer my life so that despite having the emotional maturity of a heroin-addicted lab rat, I’m occasionally able to get things done. I waste a lot of time on Reddit.
Ten SQL Server Functions That You Hardly Use But ShouldIn order to see what rows are in table 1 and not in table 2 and vice versa you can do 2 left joins, 2 right joins or 1 left and 1 right join. To get the rows that are different you can use BINARY_CHECKSUM.
Solving the Water Jug Problem from Die Hard 3 with TLA+ and HypothesisThis post was originally published on the author’s personal site. It is reproduced here with permission from the author. In the movie Die Hard with a Vengeance (aka Die Hard 3), there is this famous scene where John McClane (Bruce Willis) and Zeus Carver (Samuel L.
Distributed count(distinct) with HyperLogLog on PostgresRunning SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT) on your database is all too common. In applications it’s typical to have some analytics dashboard highlighting the number of unique items such as unique users, unique products, unique visits.
Interesting data structures: the BK-treeA BK-tree is a tree data structure specialized to index data in a metric space. A metric space is essentially a set of objects which we equip with a distance function \(d(a, b)\) for every pair of elements \((a, b)\).
A Powerful F# Library Shows How S-Expressions Can Beat XML and JsonPeople used to love XML, especially those in the Microsoft camp. XML represented a powerful enabling technology for programmers of that day?—?data-driven programming without plain text files. Out of this love for XML came many technologies on which we still rely.
Visualization of Quantum Physics (Quantum Mechanics)This video visually demonstrates some basic quantum physics concepts using the simple case of a free particle. All the simulations here are based on real equations and laws. See more information here: mathematics involved was taken from this excellent book
Fundamentals of Fast Bulk IOThe simplest way for a program to read/write a chunk of file is to allocate a buffer for the data, issue a request to the OS and then sit there and wait until it is fullfiled. Once the data is in (or out), proceed to the next step.
Best 15 Unix Command Line ToolsHere are some of the unix command line tools which we feel make our hands faster and lives easier. Let’s go through them in this post and make sure to leave a comment with your favourite!
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.