Rob Janssen

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Myths about /dev/urandom

There are a few things about /dev/urandom and /dev/random that are repeated again and again. Still they are false. Fact: /dev/urandom is the preferred source of cryptographic randomness on UNIX-like systems.


This wiki presents some notes on testing. It's still very much a work-in-progress, so feel free to peruse any pages that interest you.

.NET Native – What it means for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) developers

This blog was written by Daniel Jacobson, Program Manager What is .NET Native? .NET Native is a precompilation technology for building Universal Windows apps in Visual Studio 2015. The .NET Native toolchain will compile your managed IL binaries into native binaries.

Difference between URL, URI and URN

This is a classic tech debate, and many people will sooner or later ask themselves what's the difference between URLs, URIs and most possibly even URNs.

Why is Windows lying about what root certificates it trusts? · HA

Did you know? The Windows Certificate Trust List (aka CTL) is the master source that determines all the root certs your system ultimately trusts by default. In contrast, good old certmgr.

Underflow bug

All of us are familiar with overflow bugs. However, sometimes you write code that counts on overflow. This is a story where overflow was supposed to happen but didn’t, hence the name underflow bug.

I was invited by Google to its 'secret' interview process — here's what happened

REUTERS/Arnd WiegmannThree months ago, I thought I wasn’t ready to apply for a job at Google. Google disagreed. One morning, while working on a project, I Googled “python lambda function list comprehension.” The familiar blue links appeared, and I started to look for the most relevant one.

Need Robust Software? Make It Fragile

In any software project, the goal is to create something stable. We don't want it to break in front of a user. We also don't want our website to show an "internal application error" instead of a web page. We want our software to work, not fail.

Here’s what Ashley Madison members have told me

I found myself in somewhat of a unique position last week: I’d made the Ashley Madison data searchable for verified subscribers of Have I been pwned? (HIBP) and now – perhaps unsurprisingly in retrospect – I was being inundated with email.

The Stack Overflow Tag Engine – Part 2

I’ve added a Resources and Speaking page to my site, check them out if you want to learn more. There’s also a video of my NDC London 2014 talk “Performance is a Feature!”.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.