There's lots of different types of developers you're going to need to work with over the span of your career in the software business, but the one I want to talk about today is the kind you need when you're trying to build something new.
Kodak’s First Digital MomentImagine a world where photography is a slow process that is impossible to master without years of study or apprenticeship. A world without iPhones or Instagram, where one company reigned supreme. Such a world existed in 1973, when Steven Sasson, a young engineer, went to work for Eastman Kodak.
For 40 years, computer scientists looked for a solution that doesn’t existFor 40 years, computer scientists have tried in vain to find a faster way to do an important calculation known as “edit distance.
5 Types of Programming Comments to AvoidAnd I bet you’re wasting your time, missing the real point. Let’s take a step back for a second and pretend that your database is a phone book organized by last name, first name.
Even when told not to, Windows 10 just can’t stop talking to MicrosoftWindows 10 uses the Internet a lot to support many of its features. The operating system also sports numerous knobs to twiddle that are supposed to disable most of these features, and the potentially privacy-compromising connections that go with them.
7 realities of software development that your boss doesn’t understandDevelopers are more than aware that certain aspects of their job are considered unchartered territory by their boss – but what about the parts of software development that they shouldn’t be so clueless about? John Sonmez has put together a comprehensive list.
If You Haven't Done It Before, All Bets Are OffI've been on one side or the other of most approaches to managing software development: from hyper-detailed used of specs and flowcharts to variants of agile to not having any kind of planning or scheduling at all.
REST isn't what you think it is, and that's OKEveryone says they have a REST (or RESTful or REST-like) API. Twitter does, Facebook does, as does Twilio and Gowalla and even Google. However, by the actual, original definition, none of them are truly RESTful. But that’s OK, because your API shouldn’t be either.
Who actually reads the code? — Free Software Foundation — working together for free softwareThis guest post was submitted by Ole Tange, maintainer of GNU Parallel. I am the maintainer of a piece of free software called GNU Parallel. Free software guarantees you access to the source code, but I have been wondering how many actually read the source code.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.