Every self-respecting C/C++ programmer knows what the ternary operator is, and most everyone used it at least once in their programs.
How to get Database Design Horribly WrongDatabase Design is one of those tasks where you have to carefully get all the major aspects right. If you mess-up just one of these, it can all go horribly wrong. So what are these aspects that can ruin database design, and how can you get them right? Robert Sheldon explains.
MongoDB 3.0 - WiredTiger Storage Engine and Updated MMSSome time ago, when MongoDB 2.6 was released Kelly Stirman, Director of Products at MongoDB answered our questions regarding the latest release. Now with MongoDB 3.0 announced for March and MongoDB 3.
Working Effectively with Unit Tests – Interview with Jay FieldsLooking for audio only? Listen on In this interview with Jay Fields, Senior Software Engineer at DRW Trading, we discuss his approach to writing maintainable Unit Tests, described in his book ’Working Effectively with Unit Tests’.
DEVWEEK 2015We love MongoDB. But we recently encountered a roadblock getting it into a larger organization.
How we upgrade a live data centerA few weeks ago we upgraded a lot of the core infrastructure in our New York (okay, it’s really in New Jersey now – but don’t tell anyone) data center. We love being open with everything we do (including infrastructure), and really consider it one of the best job perks we have.
Why Libraries are better than FrameworksThere are two ways to design an application: based a particular framework, or using libraries. Actually, there are a lot more ways to build applications, including combinations of the two, but let’s just focus on those. First, let’s define the word “framework”.
Library patterns: Why frameworks are evilThis article is a follow up to my previous blog post about functional library design, but you do not need to read the previous one, because I'll focus on a different topic.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.