Studying on your own can be a fairly daunting task. And by on your own I mean without some sort of structured environment supporting you. Like a college or a programming bootcamp or a mentor (how lucky do you have to be to have a mentor, huh?).
Branch Per Feature in practiceBranch Per Feature is one of the bajillion branching strategies that can be used with modern Version Control Systems (VCSes). I just rotated off a project where I used it for the better part of a year, and even wrote a bit of tooling around it.
Terrible choices: MySQLMySQL supports a large part of the ANSI SQL 99 standard, however the default settings are nowhere close to that. If you used any other database then it's going to be a very perplexing experience.
Impossible Escape?The other day I heard a really interesting puzzle. It's one of those proverbial prisoner problems where you are condemned to die unless you can prove your intelligence to a devious jailer. You, and your friend, are incarcerated. Your jailer offers a challenge.
The “Web Application” Myth — MediumThe last few weeks were full of lots of great articles about an old topic: should things on the internet be dependent on JavaScript and should apps work on the server, the client, or both? There is a familiar and almost nostalgic feeling about this for me.
The Myth of RAM, part I — I Like Big BitsIf you have studied computing science, then you know how to do complexity analysis. You'll know that iterating through a linked list is O(N), binary search is O(log(N)) and a hash table lookup is O(1).
The Elephant was a Trojan Horse: On the Death of Map-Reduce at GoogleMap-Reduce is on its way out. But we shouldn’t measure its importance in the number of bytes it crunches, but the fundamental shift in data processing architectures it helped popularise.
Microservices Architecture and Containers distilledMicroservices architectures have taken off dramatically over the recent years and newly emerging technologies such as CoreOS, Docker, Mesophere and Digital Ocean are making it easier than ever before to build highly available, fault tolerant and scalable enterprise ready applications on the cheap fl
Research Blog : Extra, Extra : Read All About It : Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts are BrokenCars with built-in modems are sending data to their manufacturers – German motorist's club ADAC wanted to know what exactly gets sent. c't connected ADAC with a specialist who analysed the data transmissions, using the example of BMW's ConnectedDrive technology.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.