Rob Janssen

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In ORM's Defence

For some reason, as of late, I can't seem to attend any user group or conference without a speaker slating ORM's. Several speakers at the PHP UK Conference this year expressed their disapproval, as well as the speaker at this months PHP London talk.

In major goof, Uber stored sensitive database key on public GitHub page

Uber is trying to force GitHub to disclose the IP address of every person that accessed a webpage connected to a database intrusion that exposed sensitive personal data for 50,000 drivers.

Exploring Computers: Tiny Assembler

Ever wanted to write an assembler? If yes, this challenge from r/dailyprogrammer might interest you: Tiny, a very simple fictional computer architecture, is programmed by an assembly language that has 16 mnemonics, with 37 unique op-codes.

Understanding .NET 2015

Last year after BUILD I posted Exciting Times for .NET and since then I have had the pleasure of working much closer with the .NET team, which includes the runtime, framework, languages & compilers.

Apache Storm: What We Learned About Scaling & Pushing the Performance Envelope

Log management isn’t easy to do at scale. We designed Loggly Gen2 using the latest social-media-scale technologies—including ElasticSearch, Kafka from LinkedIn, and Apache Storm—as the backbone of ingestion processing for our multi-tenant, geo-distributed, and real-time log management system.

Adopting Microservices at Netflix: Lessons for Architectural Design

In some recent blog posts, we’ve explained why we believe it’s crucial to adopt a four-tier application architecture in which applications are developed and deployed as sets of microservices.

Life is More Than a Series of Cache Misses

I don't know what to make of the continual stream of people in 2015 with fixations on low-level performance and control.

Invented here syndrome

Are you afraid to write code? Does the thought linger in your brain that somewhere out there somebody has already done this? Do you find yourself trapped in an analysis cycle where nothing is getting done? Is your product mutating to accommodate third party components? If yes, then perhaps you are

The x86 Memory Model

Often I’ve found myself wanting to point someone to a description of the x86’s memory model, but there wasn’t any that quite laid it out the way I wanted. So this is my take on how shared memory works on multiprocessor x86 systems.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.