Rob Janssen

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Closing another nasty security hole in OAuth

News broke today about a widespread security flaw in OAuth and OpenID. The written material is a bit short on actual explanations or actionable steps, which is unfortunate when the flaw claims to affect virtually all OAuth providers and must be patched in the OAuth client applications.

The Human Centipede Development Method

Human centipede development is when one engineer is given half finished crap and and must half finish it further for the next engineer. This method is very efficient at producing high velocity crap and maximizing engineer misery.

Remembering BASIC on its 50th birthday

Nowadays, "basic" has a very different and derogatory Urban Dictionary-style meaning. Fifty years ago on this very day, however, it was the name given to a new computer-programming language born in a Dartmouth College basement.

Life is Beautiful (3D Animated Short Film)

Anton may be done with life, but life ain’t done with Anton. In his convincing decision to change his measly existence he discovers the real greatness of life. 'Life is Beautiful' is a 3D animation short made with support of Caviar Amsterdam, animation studio Fube, the dutch filmfund and the

John Fremlin's blog : The mmap pattern

There are many choices in software engineering that are visible only to the developers on the project: for example, the separation of responsibilities into different parts of the program are (hopefully) invisible to the user.

10 Tools Every Software Developer Should Know, Revisited

After trade school, a mechanic needs to obtain their own set of tools. Garages only provide big equipment, such as lifts. Mechanics bring tools that they prefer/can afford to put in their toolbox. Likewise, software development shops do not dictate required tools to engineers.

Let's Write Some X86-64

…“‘Our speech interposes itself between apprehension and truth like a dusty pane or warped mirror. The tongue of Eden was like a flawless glass; a light of total understanding streamed through it. Thus Babel was a second Fall.

One of the things I end up doing is do a lot of performance profiling on core…

One of the things I end up doing is do a lot of performance profiling on core kernel code, particularly the VM and filesystem.  And I tend to do it for the "good case" - when things are pretty much perfectly cached.

10 Commandments of a Software Developer

Software development is not an easy profession. You have to constantly learn new things to improve your coding skills and make sure you produce better and cleaner code over time. It’s not difficult, but you have to be aware of a few basic principles.

Using Facebook Notes to DDoS any website

Facebook Notes allows users to include <img> tags. Whenever a <img> tag is used, Facebook crawls the image from the external server and caches it.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.