Rob Janssen

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My Quest to Build the Ultimate Music Player

Over the past few years, I have been slowly but surely building my own music player. It's been a wild ride. The codebase has radically changed several times, but is always converging on a better music listening experience. In this article my goal is to take you along for the ride.

What I Wish I Knew Writing My First Billing System

Billing code is probably the scariest that most coders get to work with. After all, for most of us it’s not everyday that we write code that literally moves money around. I’ve gathered a list of a few things that you should keep in mind next time you set off to implement billing.

Game Programming Patterns

Hey, Game Developer! Do you struggle to make your code hang together into a cohesive whole? Find it harder to make changes as your codebase grows? Feel like your game is a giant hairball where everything is intertwined with everything else? Wonder if and how design patterns apply to games? Hear th

How to be a great software developer

Disclaimer: This is a very long piece, much longer than I would normally write on any subject. I have edited it back but on sending it to friends to read they agreed that there was no one bit that should be cut. I hope that you feel the same.

ASP.NET MVC Best Practices

This articles was originally at but has now been given a new home on CodeProject. Editing rights for this article has been set at Bronze or above, so please go in and edit and update this article to keep it fresh and relevant. The ASP.NET MVC is becoming more and more popular each day.

ASP.NET MVC Solution Best Practices

Developers choose ASP.NET MVC because it provides for more control over the resulting HTML, better separation of concerns, and better testability. But these benefits are only fully realized if the project and solution is set up properly.

How Frameworks Can Kill Your Projects and Patterns to Prevent Getting Killed

Summary Sander Hoogendoorn shares patterns to avoid framework issues by using layered architectures, bridge patterns, managers-providers, DI, descriptors and layer super-types, including code samples.

Bundling and Minification

Bundling and minification are two techniques you can use in ASP.NET 4.5 to improve request load time. Bundling and minification improves load time by reducing the number of requests to the server and reducing the size of requested assets (such as CSS and JavaScript.)

Secure Development

Steven's multi-billion dollar tech firm spared no expense in providing him two computers. One was stuffed in a broom closet down the hall; he used it for email, Internet access, and other administrative items.

Size Matters

Disclaimer: as usual, the opinions within this article are those of ‘No Bugs’ Bunny, and do not necessarily coincide with the opinions of the translators and editors.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.