Rob Janssen

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.NET Atomics and Memory Model Semantics

This is just a short blog post to clarify the actual semantics of the atomic functions exposed in the .NET Framework - those on the Thread, Interlocked, and Volatile classes, as well as the concrete behavior of C#’s volatile keyword and CIL’s volatile. prefix instruction.

Here be Dragons - The Interesting Realm of Floating Point Operations

In every programmer’s life there comes a time when he has to leave the realm of integers and tread into the dangerous land of rational numbers.

Ranking Functions in SQL Server with example

There are four types of Ranking Functions in SQL. All the Ranking Functions are used with Over ClauseRow_Number: The row_number function gives each a row in a table a serial number.

We teamed up with PHD Comics to help explain fusion energy! Play around with the temperature, confinement, and density to get the protons to fuse and release energy. You can also watch the PHD Comics video for an explanation! No two chaotic pendulums are alike.

In the Defense of Spaghetti Code

Have you ever seen a function that spans 1500 lines of code?

The Art of Logging

This article is an accompaniment to the Simple Logging Facade (SLF), a recently launched Open Source logging framework written by Philipp Sumi and myself.

It’s time to encrypt VoIP

In part because of Edward Snowden, we know that Microsoft cooperates closely with the U.S. government in handing over data, and that Skype calls in particular are collected under PRISM, with their logo featuring prominently in the slides.

Microsoft makes source code for MS-DOS and Word for Windows available to public

The following post is from Roy Levin, distinguished engineer and managing director, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley. On Tuesday, we dusted off the source code for early versions of MS-DOS and Word for Windows.

Why Microsoft Windows Server 2012 produces slow and inconsistent SQL query speeds

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, that girl on the bus smiled at you and your boss just agreed to buy you a new database server. Everything is coming up Milhouse. And then you discover your new server is slower at SQL queries than the old one.

Journey to the Stack, Part I

Earlier we’ve explored the anatomy of a program in memory, the landscape of how our programs run in a computer. Now we turn to the call stack, the work horse in most programming languages and virtual machines, to examine it in detail.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.