Blogged: How EF6 Enables Mocking DbSets more easily -> http://juliel.
Animations for Thumbnail GridsToday we’d like to share some fancy animations for thumbnails in a grid with you. There are many possibilities when it comes to these kind of effects, but not all of them fit well when applied to multiple items, like a grid of images.
The Slash Programming LanguageSlash is a new programming language for the web. It is mainly inspired by Ruby and PHP, with hints of Python and Perl. PHP is a great tool that is virtually unmatched in its domain - ie. ‘slap a script on a server and have it run’.
A (relatively easy to understand) primer on elliptic curve cryptographyAuthor Nick Sullivan worked for six years at Apple on many of its most important cryptography efforts before recently joining CloudFlare, where he is a systems engineer.
Reading large codebasesAny tips on how to read large codebases - especially for more novice programmers? As it happens, I think that this is a really great question. I think that part of what makes someone a good developer is the ability to go through a codebase and figure out what is going on.
Building Faceted Search With PostgreSQLWhen you walk into a real physical store, it is generally very easy to find what you need. Stores have aisles, shelves, and tables that are organized to drive a customer to do three things: find what they need, discover what they didn't know they wanted, and to quickly browse related products.
Day 16: gzip + poetry = awesomeGzip compresses by replacing text with pointers to earlier parts of the text. Here’s a visualization of what actually happens when you decompress “The Raven”. It highlights the bits of text that are copied from previously in the poem. No sound, just gzip.
"Yoda Conditions", "Pokémon Exception Handling" and other programming classicsWhat programming terms have you coined that have taken off in your own circles (i.e. have heard others repeat it)? It might be within your own team, workplace or garnered greater popularity on the Internet. Reposting some of the best ones below ...
The Importance of Visualisation – Mapping the Way ForwardThis is the tidied-up transcript of a talk I gave a month ago at the Content Strategy Forum 2013 in Helsinki, Finland. It was the third consecutive year I’d spoken at the forum and it was quite possibly the most enjoyable talk I’ve given to date.
Don’t go into programming if you don’t have a good thesaurusLast week I wrote a piece about the hardest tasks programmers have to do. It was based primarily on a recent discussion thread on Quora. Based on the responses and the votes, there was a clear number one, hardest task for software developers: naming things (e.g.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.