Simon Peyton Jones talking about the future of programming languages
In CSS, “px” is not an angular measurement and it is not non-linear : A Blog About StuffThere’s a wild meme on the loose. A significant number of people seem to have decided that “px” in CSS is an angular unit rather than a unit of length, and moreover that it is in some sense “non-linear”. This is wrong – WRONG! Confusion runs deep and common sense is imperiled.
So, you want to write an HTTP ClientIt's a rare website or company today that doesn't have to make HTTP requests to another party. Phone apps need to communicate with a server. Servers have to communicate with 3rd party tools like Facebook, Twitter, Sendgrid, (Twilio!) and others.
Abstracting Control FlowAny programmer, even if she doesn’t see it this way, constantly creates abstractions.
The Trouble With TypesSummary Martin Odersky outlines the main categories of static type systems as well as some new developments, and discuss the tradeoffs they make.
Introduction to Abject-Oriented ProgrammingAbject-oriented programming is a set of practices for encouraging code reuse and making sure programmers are producing code that can be used in production for a long time.
What Makes a Good Programmer Good?I’ve worked with a lot of programmers over the years — some of them super amazing, and some distinctly lackluster. As I’ve had the pleasure of working with some very skilled individuals recently, I spent some time thinking about what I admire in them.
It’s the little things, Pt. 1: How small conundrums make many hate computersThere's a song in the Rogers and Hammerstein classic South Pacific that perfectly encapsulates the point of this article and the three-part-series it belongs to. It's called "You've Got to Be Carefully Taught." You've got to be carefully taught.
My Hardest Bug EverAs a programmer, you learn to blame your code first, second, and third... and somewhere around 10,000th you blame the compiler. Well down the list after that, you blame the hardware. This is my hardware bug story.
C# Class Factory - High PerformanceWhy use a class factory? There are many scenarios in software design where a factory comes in handy. Essentially, when you use a family of classes polymorphic-ally, you could benefit from using a Factory.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.