A well-indexed query improves performance by several orders of magnitude. The trick is to identify an ideal set of indexes for a particular use case. Even for experts, hand-crawling through the MongoDB logs for slow queries is a laborious process. This is where Dex comes in.
The world's simplest bug tracker, just point and click.Capture client feedback, resolve issues and manage projects visually. Your clients report issues by making annotations right from the site being worked on.
Launch 2013 EventDevelopers are a self-reflective lot. On any given day, /r/programming will boast a handful of new posts pontificating on "what makes a 'good' developer" or the "X types of programmers". So I know the topic space is over-tread...but I don't care.
The hidden performance costs of instantiating ThrowablesToday it's time to make you aware of the performance penalty you may pay when using Throwable, Error, Exception and as a result give you a better idea how to avoid it.
Isomorphic JavaScript: The Future of Web AppsThis post has been cross-posted on VentureBeat. At Airbnb, we’ve learned a lot over the past few years while building rich web experiences.
YouTube is a Completely Functional Site Programmed by Competent PeopleThere are totally no broken or missing features like a lack of buttons to press or anything. Music: Kitsune² - Grey Sky Greyhound
Grade components, not browsersThroughout the short history of the web, declarations of browser support have gone through a number of popular phases. Early approaches were often defined by exclusion, a la "best viewed in Netscape 4.
Is this password migration strategy secure?One potential consideration is that combinations of security principles may have unintended vulnerabilities.
Instantly migrate to a secure password hashing schemeSo your site uses terrible password hashing scheme H1 (perhaps MD5), and you want to migrate to secure password hashing scheme H2 (preferably scrypt, but possibly bcrypt or PBKDF2). The standard migration approach is to upgrade users as they log in and enter their password.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.