At the beginning of September 2013, we had the pleasure of hearing Bill Scott from PayPal talk about the revolution that is happening there through the use of Node.js and LeanUX practices.
Why Hardware Development Is Hard, Part 2: The Physical World Is UnforgivingFacebook. Twitter. Snapchat. Pinterest. Every day, you hear about another successful startup by kids who are just out of school, or even still in school. Hardware is different. You never hear about a new team successfully making a high-performance microprocessor.
Why JSON in PostgreSQL is AwesomeRecently a commenter on Hacker News questioned the usefulness of the JSON data type in PostgreSQL. At the time I posted a brief response, but I have decided to take the time to write up a more detailed explanation here as I believe the JSON data type provides a significant benefit to developers.
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How and why building a 3D soft engine? Well, it’s simply...I’d to like to share with you how I’ve learned to build what’s known as a “3D soft engine” through a series of tutorials. “Software engine” means that we will use only the CPU to build a 3D engine in an old school way (remember Doom on your 80386 ?).
10 things I hate about GitGit is the source code version control system that is rapidly becoming the standard for open source projects. It has a powerful distributed model which allows advanced users to do tricky things with branches, and rewriting history.
Why Replication is AwesomeThere are lots of convenient things about Cloudant, like its HTTP API or incremental MapReduce, but the thing that really blows my mind is replication, where any number of distributed nodes can masterlessly exchange state, bringing themselves into sync, whether fully or partially.
W55YWe all know the Fallacies of Distributed Computing: The network is reliable. Latency is zero. Bandwidth is infinite. The network is secure. Topology doesn’t change. There is one administrator. Transport cost is zero. The network is homogeneous.
Why you need a “Definition of Done”OH Customer: Strange, I don’t see the new merged list feature we discussed about last month. Developer: No, it is not there yet. Customer: But it was marked “done” in our last meeting? Developer: Yes, sure, it is done, it is just not deployed yet. Customer: Ah.
Animated GIFs the Hard WayWhen doing the new website for the Sublime Text 2.0 launch, instead of just screenshots, I wanted to have animations to demonstrate some of its features. One of the criteria was that the animations should work everywhere, from IE6 to an iPad.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.