Hackaday's [Matt Berggren] sat down with [Ivan Godard] of Out-of-the-Box Computing to talk about the new CPU architecture the company has been developing cal...
Mill CPU for Humans - Part 1Read the full story on Hackaday: http://hackaday.com/2013/11/18/interview-new-mill-cpu-architecture-explanation-for-humans/ Hackaday's [Matt Berggren] sat do...
The 120-Hour Workweek - Epic Coding Time-LapseGoing Home... The 120-Hour Workweek - Epic Coding Time-Lapse Last week I set out to see how many hours of programming work I could do in one week on CodeCombat, our multiplayer programming game for learning how to code. I clocked in at 120.75 hours.
Adventures in API UsabilityShutterstock developers pay a lot of attention to the user experience of our website. We have a fleet of User Experience experts who help make sure the error states our web application shows to customers are useful and actionable.
Maintainable Automated UI TestsA few years ago I was very skeptical about automated UI testing and this skepticism was born out of a few failed attempts.
Is it a Good Idea to Write Tests for Legacy Code?A colleague of mine sent me an article on ArsTechnica that was a short discussion on whether it is a good idea to write tests for legacy code. This was made up from a collection of posts on Stack Exchange. The original question was as follows:
IamA (we are) Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools Team (and Azure) AMA!IamA (we are) Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools Team (and Azure) AMA! (self.IAmA)
My Favorite Database is the NetworkInstead of storing the data in the database, you can just store small data like this on the network. What I mean by that is that instead of storing it, you let the client transmit the data back to you when you need it again.
If this doesn't terrify you... Google's computers OUTWIT their humansAnalysis Google no longer understands how its "deep learning" decision-making computer systems have made themselves so good at recognizing things in photos.
Good tests, bad testsNo doubt about it, automated testing is in vogue. Everyone knows that if you want to impress an interviewer, all you have to do is fawn on about getting paranoid with whatever JUnit clone is in your language’s ecosystem.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.