Windows Vista introduced Session 0 Isolation which enforces the rule that services should not display UI.
Self-Imposed ComplexityEven with a basic bar chart there are often embellishments that detract from the purpose of the chart, but increase the amount of interface for creating them and code to draw them: bars with gradients or images, drop shadows, unnecessary borders. Edward Tufte has deemed these chartjunk.
Stop Being Cute and CleverSo the UI was slow — obviously it should be my fault of sending so many records. Interestingly though my performance degraded upon usage of the typeahead widget. In very peculiar ways even. To give you an idea of how crazy it, this was my reproduction case which I started out with:
Celinio's technical blogUseful posters of the GoF patterns Categories: Design Patterns
Reddit’s empire is founded on a flawed algorithmReddit has a bug in their code. This bug is currently present in their production platform, and has been for years. It affects one of the most important algorithms in the entire site, the “Hot” ranking algorithm for link popularity. It has real, demonstrable negative effects.
Data Locality · Optimization Patterns · Game Programming PatternsAccelerate memory access by arranging data to take advantage of CPU caching. We’ve been lied to. They keep showing us charts where CPU speed goes up and up every year as if Moore’s Law isn’t just a historical observation but some kind of divine right.
Lambda expressions in C# and LINQIn this second part of the article, I’m going to show you what the anonymous functions are and what is their role in the Integrated Query Language. If you want to know more about the difference between anonymous functions and lambda expressions, keep reading. ;) Introduced in C# 2.
Refactoring Without Good TestsWe often have to work on code that doesn’t have good test coverage. This creates a number of problems.
Large scale refactoring: Why would you ever do something like that?If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. It’s a well known phrase, but as we know, most of the human technological progress was made by people who decided to fix what isn’t broken. Especially in the software industry one could argue that most of what we do is fixing what isn’t broken.
frabert/NetLua · GitHubNetLua is a completely managed interpreter for the Lua dynamic language. It was inspired by (and the LuaObject class is loosely based on) AluminumLua by Alexander Corrado. Check his project out at
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.