ASP.NET Web API does not require IIS. You can self-host a web API in your own host process. This tutorial shows how to host a web API inside a console application.
Some quick lessons in cachingI recently helped build an application using Ruby on Rails 4, the Russian Doll caching it provides, as well as a lot of memcached. I wanted to share some of my learnings.
Software Localization is tricky.Localization is probably one of the most undervalued and overlooked aspects of software development. How hard could it be to load in a different language files after all? Sadly it’s not that easy, if done right.
RGBz : What The World Needs Now Is More Convenience MethodsThis entry weighs in at a magical 4043 bytes (8086 nibbles, 28,301 bits). It manages to implement most of the hardware in a 1980’s era IBM-PC using a few hundred fewer bits than the total number of transistors used to implement the original 8086 CPU. If you are using OS X, the included sc-ioccc.
How Misaligning Data Can Increase Performance 12x by Reducing Cache MissesHere’s the graph of a toy benchmark1 of page-aligned vs. mis-aligned accesses; it shows a ratio of performance between the two at different working set sizes.
Reverse engineering my bank's security token | Thiago ValverdeIn an earlier post I explored the reasons for having immutable data structures, now I want to dive into useful implementations of immutable structures as I see them. The major advantage that immutable data gives you is the ability to reason about public APIs.
Immutability for the MassesImmutability can have its advantages, but a language and standard library has a large impact on whether or not immutable solutions are even considered to a given problem.
The Importance of Being ImmutableWhat good is immutability? If you've spent any time looking into functional programming you'll know that FP advocates can't stop talking about how great immutability is, but perhaps you haven't really seen it in action.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.