I'm kind of a fan of numbers. You might even say I'm a bit of a numberPHILe. You groan, but it's true. Numbers exhibit such interesting properties when you put them together.
Robot OdysseyThe sheer complexity of made it the spiritual forebear to today’s sandbox games like .
jmoe / Cuddlefluff.Data — BitbucketRepository pattern with Create, Update, Delete operations and support for inheritance. Dapper is a dependency.
Glitch Is Causing Thousands Of Emails To Be Sent To One Man’s Hotmail AccountDavid S. Peck is getting a lot of emails. In a glitch possibly related to the massive Gmail outage underway right now, there’s an odd bug in Google search which is pointing users directly to his personal email address.
My HTML/CSS Styles For SuccessOver the past few years, I have built sites small and large. From my experience, and learning from my peers around me, I have developed a guide for success. With these guidelines, you can build a great site, and maintain healthy CSS. Under specify, rather than over specify your entities.
# re: Releasing SocialGoal - Reference Web App for ASP.NET MVC 5, EF 6 Code First, AutoMapper, Autofac, TDD and DDDReleasing SocialGoal - Reference Web App for ASP.
Exclusive: Pentagon report faults F-35 on software, reliabilityWASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new U.S. Defense Department report warns that ongoing software, maintenance and reliability problems with Lockheed Martin Corp's F-35 stealth fighter could delay the Marine Corps' plans to start using its F-35 jets by mid-2015.
Coding for Eventual ConsistencyJan Lehnardt recently wrote Understanding CouchDB Conflicts, which explains some of the nit and grit behind eventual consistency in CouchDB and Cloudant, but underlying Jan’s article is the question, "How does eventual consistency change how I should write applications?" Whether your database gua
Peter Ritchie's MVP BlogThere’s been some really good guidance about async/await in the past week or two. I’ve been tinkering away at this post for a while now—based on presentations I’ve been doing, discussions I’ve had with folks at Microsoft, etc. Now seems like a good idea to post it.
Best Practices for c# async/awaitThe async/await keywords make asynchronous programming much easier for developers to digest and implement correctly. They also hide a little bit of complexity that can sneak up and (bug) bite you if you aren’t paying attention. It’s worth reading and applying these best practices when doing .
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.