What started as a dream for a worldwide library of sorts, has transformed into not only a global repository of knowledge but also the most popular and widely deployed Application Platform: the World Wide Web.
We spent a week making Trello boards load extremely fast. Here’s how we did it.We made a promise with Trello: you can see your entire project in a single glance. That means we can show you all of your cards so you can easily see things like who is doing what, where a task is in the process, and so forth, just by scrolling. You all make lots of cards.
z44bhed.png (4535×2787)To trouble-shoot software, logging of some kind is essential. But for most systems, it is simply not possible to log everything that happens. Many systems and logging frameworks let you limit the amount of data by giving a logging level (e.g.
Response to "Math is Not Necessary for Software Development"Ross Hunter recently wrote a blog entry on Mutually Human arguing that math is not necessary for being a good software developer. I agree with his thesis -- math isn't necessary. However, Ross shouldn't then jump to the conclusion that math isn't useful for software development.
The story of MelThe story of Mel Source: usenet: utastro!nather, May 21, 1983. A recent article devoted to the *macho* side of programming made the bald and unvarnished statement: Real Programmers write in Fortran.
2014-01-17Unreasonable Defaults: Primary Key as Clustering KeyAs you might have noticed—at least if you have read SQL Performance Explained—I don’t think clustered indexes are as useful as most people believe. That is mainly because it is just too darn difficult to choose a good clustering key.
Code is not literatureI have started code reading groups at the last two companies I’ve worked at, Etsy and Twitter, and some folks have asked for my advice about code reading and running code reading groups. Tl;dr: don’t start a code reading group.
The &yet BlogThe web has outgrown the browser. (A web-lover's web-loving rant.) It used to all make sense. The web was once nothing but documents.
Kwantumcomputers: razendsnel rekenen op de kleinste deeltjesKwantumcomputing is een relatief jong onderwerp binnen de computerwetenschap. De eerste onderliggende concepten werden dertig jaar geleden geïntroduceerd door de beroemde natuurkundige Richard Feynman.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.