Python has a terrible rep when it comes to its parallel processing capabilities. Ignoring the standard arguments about its threads and the GIL (which are mostly valid), the real problem I see with parallelism in Python isn't a technical one, but a pedagogical one.
Why I no longer contribute to StackOverflow — Michael T. RichterI have an account at StackOverflow. Follow the link and check out a few stats: I've been a member for almost four years at the time I'm writing this. I've scored over 14,000 points in their gaming system. I'm in the top 3% of their contributors overall as of this writing.
BiculturalismBy now, Windows and Unix are functionally more similar than different.
Entity Framework Tips and TricksIn this show, Robert is joined by Julie Lerman, the author of several highly acclaimed Entity Framework books. Julie shares a number of Entity Framework tips and tricks including: While taping this, Robert's microphone malfunctioned. Fortunately, Julie's microphone picked him up.
?iPhone: What cool things can one do with an iPhone and iPad that most people don't know about?While traveling abroad, you can use Google Maps as a free GPS without an international data plan by making use of it's hidden offline maps feature.
I used Firefox OS for 30 days and it made me want to quit phones foreverHere’s something which shouldn’t come as a surprise, I like playing around with smartphones. I know, shocking for someone who writes about them. I wouldn’t say I’m addicted, but then addicts rarely understand they have a problem.
Entity Framework and slow bulk INSERTsI’ve been working on an internal project where I needed to load up a large amount of records into a database for testing. On this project I’m using Entity Framework Code First 6.
Deadlocks in Practice: Don’t Hold Locks While NotifyingIn this post: a subtle way that reactive/event-based code can deadlock, how it affects ReactiveCocoa (obj-c) and Reactive Extensions (.Net), and ways to work around the problem. Today I noticed that ReactiveCocoa, the Objective-C port of .
Proper Session/DbContext lifecycle managementMost “heavy” object-relational mappers (ORMs) have an interface that provides more than just easy querying of the database. They also are implementations of two key patterns: For NHibernate, this is the ISession interface, and for Entity Framework, this is the DbContext class.
Picozu Image EditorThis Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.