The files below implement ISAAC in C. The function randinit() must be called before ISAAC can be used, but after that any module that #includes rand.h can call rand() to get 32-bit random values. ISAAC (Indirection, Shift, Accumulate, Add, and Count) generates 32-bit random numbers.
JavaScript Promises ... In Wicked DetailI’ve been using promises in my JavaScript code for a while now. They can be a little brain bending at first. I now use them pretty effectively, but when it came down to it, I didn’t fully understand how they work. This article is my resolution to that.
The no-lock deadlockPeople sometimes ask me if there is a cheap-and-easy way to guarantee thread safety.
Tips for building Nuget packagesI’ve spent a lot of time over the past couple weeks building and consuming Nuget packages on real projects. I’ve picked up a few tips that, while not mind-blowing, should help you get beyond the simple scenarios you see in most demos. I’ll refer to an example .
Pages : The Butterfly EffectUnity Technologies Programming Renaldas Zioma, Ole Ciliox, Paulius Liekis, Aras Pranckevicius, Andrius Keidonas, Robert Cupisz, Kuba Cupisz Technical Artist Erland Körner Lighting Artist Tommy Andersson Video Production Will Goldstone Project Management Steffen Toksvig Audio Mix Mason B. Fisher, East Coast Game Audio Passion Pictures Director Dan Sumich Producer Ryan Goodwin-Smith Head of CG Jason Nicholas VFX Supervisor Neil Riley CG Coordinator Aline Ngo Lead Character Modeller Cesar Nunes Character Modellers Michael Orbing, Mario Ucci Lead Environment Modeller Ian Brown Environment Modellers Nicolas Guiraud, Florent Rousseau Texture Artists Gabriel Loques, Emma Berkeley, Eleanor Bond
When Random Isn't Random Enough: Lessons from an Online Poker ExploitToday I am going to retell a story from 1999, a story in which developers of a popular online poker platform implemented card-shuffling software with a handle of subtle but critical bugs. Although this story is 15 years old, the lessons it holds for algorithm developers are still relevant.
20 Excellent Open Source Tools for DevelopersOpen source applications with their source code is freely and readily available, for copyright holders by which to modify and or distribute to anyone and for any purpose.
Checklist: What NOT to do in ASP.NETEdit: Due to the level of interest, we’ve released the source code to the work described here: Also, some good discussion at Hacker News. Here at Scalyr, we recently embarked on a full rewrite of our web client.
Mapping Relational Databases and SQL to MongoDBNoSQL databases have emerged tremendously in the last few years owing to their less constrained structure, scalable schema design, and faster access compared to traditional relational databases (RDBMS/SQL).
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.