Sometimes it takes very little time to know that a candidate is going to be pretty horrible. As you can probably guess, the sort of questions we ask tend to be “find me this data in this sort of file”.
Explore the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1The Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 release, along with Visual Studio 2013, introduces innovative features to increase developer productivity and application performance. Additionally, it provides new features for improving the UX of consuming .
Download Wrappers and Unwanted Software are pure evilCall it Adware, Malware, Spyware, Crapware, it's simply unwanted. Every non-technical relative I've ever talked to has toolbars they apparently can't see, apps running in the background, browser home pages set to Russian Google clones, and they have no idea how it got that way.
Your API versioning is wrong, which is why I decided to do it 3 different wrong waysIn the end, I decided the fairest, most balanced way was to piss everyone off equally. Of course I’m talking about API versioning and not since the great “tabs versus spaces” debate have I seen so many strong beliefs in entirely different camps. This was just fine.
Migrating from MongoDB to CassandraLong long ago (2011) in a Littleton founder’s basement not so far away, the decision was made to use MongoDB as the persistence engine for our Person API product. The idea of the Person API is pretty simple:
Multi Threaded WebScraping in C#Suggestions have been incorporated. Kindly Suggest, Vote, Comment to improve it *All the code examples are for learning purpose. Any misuse is not encouraged.
10 Reasons Why Laravel is Better Than CodeIgniterYep another post on why you should switch to Laravel from CodeIgniter. I’ve been using CodeIgniter for about three years now and still continue to do so on some projects. However since I decided to finally give Laravel a whirl, it’s been no looking back.
Share your projects, and good things will happenAbout 2 months ago I decided to set myself a challenge: build a new game every week in HTML5. For the first 3 games I made, as I always do with my side projects, I put the games into one of my Dropbox folders completely hidden from the public.
Why the most important part of your app has the messiest codeIf you’ve worked at, or talked to, some developers at various software companies, there is one theme that often returns: developers blush when thinking about the central part of their app code, and would like nothing more than to finally clean up that mess, once and for all.
Making things with Mathsf=Math; e=document.body.children[$=0]; G="globalCompositeOperation"; Q=.43; P=.05; with(e){ with(style)width=(w=innerWidth-9)+"px", height=(h=innerHeight-25)+"px"; W=(width=w/=2)/2; H=(height=h/=2)/2; g=getContext("2d"); t=w/h} with(g){ scale(W/t,H); translate(t,1); setInterval(function(){ with(E=e.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.