Rob Janssen

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Logging & Production systems

Jeff Atwood wrote a great blog post about over-using logging, where stack traces should be all a developer needs to find the root cause of a problem. Therefore ... When building an enterprise level system, what rules do you have to deem a log message 'useful' to a developer or support staff?

Apple's SSL/TLS bug (22 Feb 2014)

Yesterday, Apple pushed a rather spooky security update for iOS that suggested that something was horribly wrong with SSL/TLS in iOS but gave no details.

chhantyal/influential-programming-books · GitHub

These are books considered most influential for programmers from this StackOverflow thread. Long answer: I frequently visit above thread. Over the time, such an active thread is closed, links to book sites are removed and I have to copy/paste/search everytime I go there.

Result of a simple SQL indexing quiz: 60% fail : programming

540 points (81% like it) 699 upvotes 159 downvotes shortlink: programming subscribeunsubscribe503,401 readers 566 users here now created by speza community for 7 years message the moderators 1 539 540 541 Result of a simple SQL indexing quiz: 60% fail (use-the-index-luke.

Code reviews and bad habits

Sometimes, I feel that my career as a coder is demarcated by the tech stacks I used to write software. Partly that’s about the programming language—Smalltalk in college, C# and Python at Fog Creek—but it’s also about all the other tools you use to get the job done.

Results of the SQL Performance Quiz: 60% fail

In 2011, I’ve launched the “The 3-Minute Test: What do you know about SQL performance.” It consists of five questions that follow a simple pattern: each question shows a query/index pair and asks if it demonstrates proper indexing or not.

Redux: Why You should Always Use ===

Two weeks ago, my post, Why You Should Always Use === and Other Bad Practices, generated a tremendous amount of discussion.

Vinyl Data

One strategy that major record companies have been employing lately to deter downloading is adding bonus computer content to new CD releases. I recently discovered that this technique is not unique to CD’s, but had in fact been practiced in the vinyl era as well.

Part 1: Introduction and Table of Contents

Part 2 is available here. If you’re in a rush, you can also go directly to Part 6, which is summarizing the content from all the other parts.

20 Free JavaScript Game Engines for Developers

The value of HTML5 coupled with Javascript and CSS3 can enable the Device Oriented Developer within creating extraordinary games incorporating 3D, Animation, Canvas, Math, Color, Sound, WebGL.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.