When I first heard about unit testing using a framework like JUnit, I thought it was such a simple and powerful concept. Instead of ad hoc testing, you save your tests, and they can be run as often as you like. In my mind, the concept didn’t leave much room for misunderstanding.
Quantum Mechanics: Fabric of the Cosmos - DocumentaryQuantum Mechanics: Fabric of the Cosmos - Documentary Subscribe now for more documentaries! Thank you! "The Fabric of the Cosmos," a four-hour series based o...
Whatever happened to the IPv4 address crisis?In February 2011, the global Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) allocated the last blocks of IPv4 address space to the five regional Internet registries. At the time, experts warned that within months all available IPv4 addresses in the world would be distributed to ISPs.
Local state is harmfulPicture a tradiional webapp. We have a number of stateless workers connected to a stateful, relational database. This is a setup with a number of excellent properties: The database state is also pervasive, mutable and global.
Event Queue · Decoupling Patterns · Game Programming PatternsDecouple when a message or event is sent from when it is processed. Unless you live under one of the few rocks that still lack Internet access, you’ve probably already heard of an “event queue”. If not, maybe “message queue”, or “event loop”, or “message pump” rings a bell.
Actors are overly nondeterminsticActors are useful as a low-level concurrency primitive, but as has been written elsewhere, they aren't the best high level programming model for writing concurrent programs. Let's look at the problems with actors from another angle.
Reactive Extensions (Rx) – Part 1 – Replacing C# EventsFor those who have not tried Reactive Extensions (Rx) yet, I highly recommend it. If I had to describe it in a few words it would be ‘Linq to events’. If you have not already learned about it, this is by far the best resource on learning its intricacies.
Rules for Parallel Programming for MulticoreJames is part of Intel's Software Development Products team, and author of Intel Threading Building Blocks: Outfitting C++ for Multi-core Processor Parallelism. He can be reached at james.r.reinders@intel.com. Programming for multicore processors poses new challenges.
You don’t have Big Data…“Big Data”, to paraphrase Douglas Adams, “is Big. You won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean you may think there’s a lot of data in Wikipedia but that’s just peanuts to Big Data.
Simple rules to write efficient parallel programsHere are 8 simple rules for for efficient implementation of your parallel programs. 1. Identify truly independent computations: The operations which can’t be run independently of each other can’t run in parallel, so the first step in to identify the independent computation units.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.