353 points (71% like it) 595 upvotes 242 downvotes shortlink: programming subscribeunsubscribe474,451 readers 681 users here now created by speza community for 7 years message the moderators 1 352 353 354 How To Estimate Software (james-iry.blogspot.
Sometimes Compilers are Cute#include <stdint.
AI Startup Vicarious Claims Victory Over CaptchasCaptchas, those hard-to-read jumbles of letters and numbers that many websites use to foil spammers and automated bots, aren’t necessarily impossible for computers to handle.
Letter to a young programmerI heard you enjoy a certain programming language named Python. Programming is a wonderful activity.
The impending crisis that is Windows XP and IE 8Do you remember what you were doing in October, 2001? You weren’t watching videos on YouTube, updating your Facebook status or even using the term “social media”. It was still the days of web 1.0 and REST was something you did when you were tired.
Things they don’t tell you about MongoDBMongoDB is by far the most popular NoSQL database in Brazil (at least based on the amount of blog posts and articles writen about it here that I read). It’s really an amazing solution but what really bothers me is the fact that very few people know about it’s limitations.
How to Discourage Open Source ContributionsWhat’s the first thing you do when you find a bug or see a missing feature in an open source project? Check out the project page and submit a patch! Oh. Maybe their message is so encouraging that they get hundreds of pull requests a week, and the backlog isn’t that bad.
Trust No OneSeveral monks of the Laughing Monkey Clan found their brother in a state of great anguish, typing frantically at his workstation. Said the monk: “When new business rules are delivered next year, my code will need to be updated.
ARCHIVE TEAM: A Distributed Preservation of Service AttackFor the last few years, historian and archivist Jason Scott has been involved with a loose, rogue band of data preservation activists called The Archive Team...
Jason Scott - That Awesome Time I Was Sued for Two Billion Dollars - Video and SlidesJason Scott - That Awesome Time I Was Sued for Two Billion Dollars - Video and Slides
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.