Rob Janssen

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The Pursuit of 60fps Everywhere with Nat Duca

Nat Duca is an engineer on the Chrome team working to make an always-60fps, jank free mobile web a reality.If you want to move something at 60fps today, you must apply a littany of tricks, especially translateZ and friends. If you make a mistake, off the fast path ye shall go. On the Chrome team we

Bézier Clock

Click to toggle curve splines. Press space to toggle continual animation - i.e. each number will never pause and will always be animating to its next value (this can be hard to read). For example, at 13:30:30 the hour unit digit would be halfway between 3 and 4 if continual animation were on.

Mono Gets Further Performance, Scalability Improvements

Mono 3.8.0 was released last week. It comes with several performance and scalability improvements across the runtime, as well as finishes the Windows port. Mono follows Gnome and Linux Kernel versioning policies, which means 3.8 is the next major stable version after 3.

Poor UI Design Can Kill – Air Inter Flight 148, a harsh lesson learned

On January 20, 1992, Air Inter Flight 148 crashed into the Vosges Mountains while approaching Strasbourg Airport in Strasbourg, France. 87 of the 96 crew and passengers on board were killed. So why am I writing about a horrible accident on my programming blog? Because of the cause of the crash.

The Pursuit of 60fps Everywhere with Nat Duca

Nat Duca is an engineer on the Chrome team working to make an always-60fps, jank free mobile web a reality.If you want to move something at 60fps today, you must apply a littany of tricks, especially translateZ and friends. If you make a mistake, off the fast path ye shall go. On the Chrome team we

alyssa frazee

For several popular programming languages, this chart shows the gender breakdown of the owners of public GitHub repositories. Each owner's gender was algorithmically predicted from the first name they choose to display on their GitHub profile. (Click it to see a larger static version).

Simplifying Classes with C# 6.0

Property initializers and primary constructors are C# 6.0 features that simplify classes and make code more readable. Take 5 minutes to learn about both of them in this latest NOWcast from Microsoft MVP Kathleen Dollard!

Semantic Versioning Works Just Fine — Medium

Semantic versioning is not meant to be for humans. It‘s designed for machines, so they can update packages safely and automatically. And it works, until someone breaks the rules, and then everybody starts complaining.

Notes from the development of xkcd's "Pixels"

Over the years, I've had the pleasure of hacking on the frontend code for a bunch of xkcd's interactive comics, including: unixkcd, xk3d, Umwelt, Time, Externalities, and Lorenz.

Failing to Forget

I’ve recently discovered a useful productivity hack. I found that when I sat down to code it would take me a while to get back into the swing of things. I would have to struggle to figure out where I should start and what to do.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.