Wat veel burgers niet weten, is dat de politie ontheffing (vrijstelling) heeft voor de verkeersregels, zoals omschreven in het Reglement Verkeersregels en Verkeerstekens (1990).De meeste burgers denken dat de politie de verkeersregels alleen mag overtreden als we met zwaailicht en sirene rijden.
7 steps to get your software product localizedEvery company is always looking for a way to expand their business to gain more profits. One common way to increase your market is by providing localized versions of software for different markets around the world.
30 Days of Answers on Stack OverflowFor years I could summarize my usage of Stack Overflow as “open a browser tab, search the web for my problem, click on the Stack Overflow result, follow the answer’s advice, close the browser tab.” I was a Stack Overflow leech.
2 minute introduction to Rx — MediumYou've probably seen this tutorial I wrote some time ago. Too long? Alright. Rx is not that hard, you could have invented it yourself. Keep reading. You know arrays? Of course you do. Here is one:
Why blurring sensitive information is a bad ideaUndoubtedly you have all seen photographs of people on TV and online who have been blurred to hide faces.
The Face Recognition Algorithm That Finally Outperforms Humans — The Physics arXiv Blog — MediumEverybody has had the experience of not recognising someone they know—changes in pose, illumination and expression all make the task tricky. So it’s not surprising that computer vision systems have similar problems.
Notification Styles Inspiration Simple ideas & effects for website notificationsClick on the button to show the notification:
How do you explain an OS kernel to a layperson? + an old text about The Matrix as an Operating SystemEarlier this year I was a guest at a gathering of people who were mostly involved with social sciences and politics and a topic soon arised in which I had to explain some of the things I work with.
Norris NumbersIn 2011 John D. Cook wrote the following blog post: My friend Clift Norris has identified a fundamental constant that I call Norris’ number, the average amount of code an untrained programmer can write before he or she hits a wall. Clift estimates this as 1,500 lines.
Figure out when long-running jobs finish, without stopping themYou kick off a long running job - maybe a data migration script that operates on a large data set, or you're copying a large file from one disk to another, or from the Internet to your local computer.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.