March 6th Update: Microsoft appears to have updated the website and corrected the error I describe in this post. More details on the fix can be found in The New & Improved Microsoft Shuffle. However, I think you will still find the following analysis interesting.
Coding shenanigans and a little bit of HodorBoth me and my wife watch Game of Thrones weekly, although I do it with much less fidgeting, sighing and dissatisfied head shaking, since I haven’t read the books.
Rob Pike's 5 Rules of ProgrammingRob Pike's 5 Rules of Programming Rule 1. You can't tell where a program is going to spend its time. Bottlenecks occur in surprising places, so don't try to second guess and put in a speed hack until you've proven that's where the bottleneck is. Rule 2. Measure.
The Profound Weakness of the .NET OSS EcosystemI’m in the process of writing up a lengthy set of blog posts for MarkedUp about the work that went into developing MarkedUp In-app Marketing, our real-time marketing automation and messaging solution for Windows desktop applications (and eventually WP8, WinRT, iOS, Android, Web, etc…)
10 Tricks to Appear Smart During Meetings — Conquering Corporate America — MediumLike everyone, appearing smart during meetings is my top priority. Sometimes this can be difficult if you start daydreaming about your next vacation, your next nap, or bacon. When this happens, it’s good to have some fallback tricks to fall back on.
Use One Field to Store Names or AddressesCollect personal information from users, such as their names or addresses, in a single field rather than multiple fields. The formats of these data are too diverse for it to be reasonable, and catering to the 90% alienates those who do not match our concept of normality.
I Was Wrong - Proving LZ4 Exploitable With Less Than 4MBBut Not In the Way You Might Think For the uninitiated, I recently uncovered a vulnerability in LZ4 during triage with the Linux kernel team on a separate but very similar issue in LZO. Ludwig Strigeus uncovered the issue over a year ago and posted it to the LZ4 Google Code bug issue list.
Redesigning The World Cup 2014 BrazilFrom a football perspective this is a great World Cup, but from a designers perspective it’s not that great. Please let us explain: The World Cup of 2014 in Brazil is at its peak, and so far we have simply been spoiled with great goals and surprising results.
Fast offline reverse geocoding .Net library25 points (70% upvoted) shortlink: programming subscribeunsubscribe533,298 readers 524 users here now created by speza community for 8 years message the moderators 1 24 25 26 Fast offline reverse geocoding .Net library ( submitted 11 days ago by loading...
The Internet Of Things Will Need Millions Of Developers By 2020This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.