DEC64 is a number type. It can precisely represent decimal fractions with 16 decimal places, which makes it well suited to all applications that are concerned with money. It can represent values as large as 3.6028797018963968E+143 or as small as 1.
On Taxis and RainbowsRecently, thanks to a Freedom of Information request, Chris Whong received and made public a complete dump of historical trip and fare logs from NYC taxis. It’s pretty incredible: there are over 20GB of uncompressed data comprising more than 173 million individual trips.
Scott Hanselman - Fun with JavaScriptScott thought a talk on JavaScript would be more fun, and less productive. You can google for his Productivity talk if you like. If this change makes you sad, please complain to Scott on Twitter at @shanselman.
Necrolis/GeoSharp · GitHubAn offline Geocoding library for .Net coded in C#. Based on the awesome Java lib by AReallyGoodName:
Fast offline reverse geocoding java library63 points (78% like it) 87 upvotes 24 downvotes shortlink: programming subscribeunsubscribe529,528 readers 715 users here now created by speza community for 8 years message the moderators 1 62 63 64 Fast offline reverse geocoding java library ( submitted 3 hours ago by loading...
MaciejCzyzewski/hyhyhy · GitHubPresentation nano-framework. Binary installers for the latest released version are available at the Python package index.
IBM's Watson Gets A 'Swear Filter' After Learning The Urban DictionaryAccording to Eric Brown, an IBM research assistant and the "brains" behind Watson, he and his 35-person team wanted to get IBM's supercomputer to sound more like a real human.
CNET Accused of Bundling Software Downloads with TrojansA software wrapper used by CNET supposedly tricks users into installing toolbars and Trojans instead of the actual hosted program. Gordon "Fyodor" Lyon is the creator and maintainer of the widely-used network auditing and penetration-testing tool called Nmap.
Jurassic Park: Trespasser CG Source Code ReviewStanding alone, those numbers don't mean much. But comparing them to others games (Quake,Doom,Duke3D,...) helps a lot: The volume of code is twice more than other titles released at the same time. The volume is very representative of the complexity of the engine and the collosal scope of features.
Bounce.jsBounce.js uses CSS3 animations and transforms, which doesn't seem to be supported by your browser.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.