Truth be told, DoneDone is a piece of software I want to use as infrequently as possible. If I use DoneDone a lot, it means I’m making (or finding) a lot of mistakes.
It’s Insanely Easy to Hack Hospital EquipmentWhen Scott Erven was given free rein to roam through all of the medical equipment used at a large chain of Midwest health care facilities, he knew he would find security problems–but he wasn’t prepared for just how bad it would be.
2013-10-01MongoDB is to NoSQL like MySQL to SQL — in the most harmful wayYesterday evening I tweeted: “MongoDB seems to be as bad for NoSQL as MySQL is for SQL.” Unfortunately, I tweeted without context. But I guess I couldn’t have given all the required context in a single tweet anyway, so I’m dedicating this post to it.
2014-04-25What’s left of NoSQL?This is my own and very loose translation of an article I wrote for the Austrian newspaper in October 2013. As this article was very well received and the SQL vs. NoSQL discussion is currently hot again, I though it might be a good time for a translation.
Top 10 Mistakes that C# Programmers MakeC# is one of several languages that target the Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR).
Responsive Design: Why and how we ditched the good old select elementIt’s the HTML select element. The invention of select dates back to 1995 with the introduction of the HTML 2.0 specification. So most of us have never experienced designing for web without select as an option. But it can be a really, really frustrating component to let into your designs.
This Is What Happens When You Let Developers Create UIDeep down inside every software developer, there's a budding graphic designer waiting to get out. And if you let that happen, you're in trouble. Or at least your users will be, anyway: If you let your developers create your UI, hilarity ensues, as in this classic OK/Cancel strip.
A Long-Awaited Check of Unreal Engine 4On March 19, 2014, Unreal Engine 4 was made public available. Subscription costs only $19 per month. The source codes have also been published at the github repository. Since that moment, we have received quite a number of e-mails, twitter messages, etc., people asking to check this game engine.
4 things that will piss off your developerNo matter what kind of company you’re running today, the use of technology is inevitable. You’re either using some kind of technology product or service to conduct your business. Furthermore, as your business scales, the requirement to build your technology becomes more and more pressing.
Windows is not a Microsoft Visual C/C++ Run-Time delivery channelThere's a DLL in the system directory called MSVCRT.DLL, and from its name, you might think that it is the Microsoft Visual C/C++ Run-Time library. That is a perfectly reasonable guess. But it would also be wrong.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.