Not long ago one of our programmers just lost it and he lost it good. He walked into the manager’s office and began screaming strange things. If I didn't know him as well as I did I would have thought that he was on some kind of drug.
Why should I use a pointer rather than the object itself?I'm coming from a Java background and have started working with objects in C++. But one thing that occurred to me is that people often use pointers to objects rather than the objects themselves, for example this declaration: But I can't figure out why should we do it this way.
The World's Greatest Azure DemoI do a lot of demos. I write a lot of blog posts. Thing is though, none of them really sell the whole Azure picture; the BIG picture. The superdemo was designed to cover as much as possible in one hour. (Ok, it wouldn't all fit in an hour so you get an hour twenty something.
I Hate Open Floorplans, It Makes Roger Come Out…Last year I visited Adobe’s office in the Bay Area. It was a wicked awesome office with a ton of really cool things, basketball court on the roof, wind turbines, and designer space. However, when they went on to tout their collaborative open workspaces I realized I couldn’t work there.
SIGHT & LIGHTHello! Today, I will show you how to make something like this:(move your mouse around in the box below) This effect is used in my new open-source game, Nothing To Hide.
k-d ForestsRecently I saw an interesting Code Golf problem: create an image using all possible RGB colours. The top ranked submission, by József Fejes, contained some truly beautiful images, but they took an immense amount of time to generate.
What Are Your GCC Flags ?Your GCC build flags. Yes, this is actually an interesting question! I have been building code at the various places where I work for many years, on different architectures, and tweaking the build flags has always been an important task.
Data Visualization MistakesData visualization simply means the creation and analysis of data represented visually. Data abstraction and representation is done in various forms with several attributes and variables serving as units of information. Data visualization is considered the best way to understand any given data.
Introducing Chaos ModeSome test failures are hard to reproduce. This is often because code (either tests or implementation code) makes unwarranted assumptions about the environment, assumptions that are violated nondeterministically.
Ass-Backwards CompatibilityWangohan, a monk of the Spider Clan, stumbled upon a bug in a utility class provided by the Laughing Monkey Clan. He called upon the junior monk who was its author. “Your last refactoring of isHexNumber was incorrect,” said Wangohan.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.