Rob Janssen

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All RGB colors in one image

I recently started visiting the programming puzzles SE site. To a geek like me, it’s a little paradise: many interesting challenges, many interesting solutions, many like-minded people.

Images with all colors

Similar to the images on, Make images where each pixel is a unique color (no color is used twice and no color is missing). Give a program that generates such an image, along with a screenshot or file of the output (upload as PNG).

Image Background Removal

At Lyst we process a lot of products from a lot of retailers. However, the product information we get from retailers isn't the same across the industry as: Due to this, we have to ensure that each product has all the information that we require (such as category, colour, etc.

At last, C# is getting “?.”, sometimes called the Safe Navigation Operator

Visual Studio (and many other Microsoft Products) uses as a feedback mechanism for users to suggest and vote on product features. One of the most popular features, with 3,752 votes, a new “?.” operator for the C# language, sometimes called the Safe Navigation Operator.

How To Safely Generate A Random Number

Use urandom. Use urandom. Use urandom. Use urandom. Use urandom. Use urandom. Still urandom.

How can I get better at handling edge cases in computer programming?

Overall, you have to get into the mindset of thinking like an adversary who is trying to cause your code to fail. Whenever you decide to get the first element in a list, you need to automatically think “could the list be empty?”.

Why were there gotos in apple software in the first place ?

With all the talk about goto being bad (if you haven't, read Edsger Dijkstra's famous go to considered harmful), it's a wonder it could still be found in production code.

Turbo Encabulator

For a number of years now work has been proceeding in order to bring perfection to the crudely conceived idea of a transmission that would not only supply in...

Only 90s Web Developers Remember This

Have you ever shoved a <blink> into a <marquee> tag? Pixar gets all the accolades today, but in the 90s this was a serious feat of computer animation. By combining these two tags, you were a trailblazer. A person capable of great innovation. A human being that all other human beings could aspire to.

Beautiful not Fast

From the readme. YOLOKit is a delightful library for enumerating Foundation objects.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.