Animations do more than just make your website look cool, they are a third dimension with which we communicate. Courtney Hemphill looks at animation, motion, good design, and the math behind it all.More HTML5 & JavaScript Resources: to Forward 2:
How the sun sees youWe showed people what they looked like in ultraviolet, & wondered aloud if they wanted to put on some damn sunscreen already. 'Summer in the City - Starcadian remix' by Freedom Fry are awesome. So is Starcadian.[Me
Spelen met de tijdHet Finse Remedy heeft iets met de tijd. De studio neemt bijvoorbeeld ruim de tijd om zijn games te maken. Alan Wake, het laatste grote project van de studio, verscheen in 2010 en sindsdien wordt er gewerkt aan Quantum Break, dat net als de voorganger enkel op de platformen van Microsoft verschijnt.
Bill Gates creatief met ijswaterDurf je een emmer ijswater over je hoofd te gooien voor het goede doel? En het filmpje op Twitter en Facebook te zetten? Facebook-oprichter Marc Zuckerberg daagde de oprichter van Microsoft, Bill Gates, uit.
Customers not getting the widgets they paid for if they click too fast -or- In C#, the += operator is not merely not guaranteed to be atomic, it is guaranteed not to be atomicRecall that properties are syntactic sugar for method calls. A property declaration Accessing a property is similarly transformed.
Chris Said SoIf you’re part of a community that considers writing automated tests an essential part of development and you yourself write automated tests for your code as a matter of routine, you might want to stretch out your neck a little before reading further.
X to Close — re:form — MediumX’s are everywhere in user interface (UI) design. A powerful symbol, [x] is capable of closing windows and popups, toolbars and tabs and anything else that might otherwise be cluttering up your screen.
On Generalization — MediumI grew up writing a lot of code. I programmed games and web apps and editors and all kinds of stuff.
What's the matter with PGP?Before we can communicate via PGP, we first need to exchange keys. PGP makes this downright unpleasant. In some cases, dangerously so. Part of the problem lies in the nature of PGP public keys themselves.
Comment 28 for bug 255161What a fascinating bug!! My wife has complained that open office will never print on Tuesdays!?! Then she demonstrated it. Sure enough, won't print on Tuesday. Other applications print. I think this is the same bug. Here is my guess: Print to a postscript file.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.