Rob Janssen

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How Netflix gives all its engineers SSH access

Seif is an open source project, started at PayPal, with the goal of transitioning the Web into an application delivery system that will be safer and easier for developers and users.

api-guidelines/ at master · Microsoft/api-guidelines · GitHub

The Microsoft REST API Guidelines, as a design principle, encourages application developers to have resources accessible to them via a RESTful HTTP interface.

June 2016 (version 1.3)

We're really excited about the June release of VS Code. We've made some big changes to Extension management (dedicated Extensions View) and added Tabs (tabbed editor panes). Other new features include global Search and Replace, improved Drag and Drop and optional indentation guides.

Good coding instincts will eventually kick you in the teeth

I wrote my first few lines of code almost 32 years ago, when I was 6 years old. I developed very strong coding instincts. I could look at any problem and immediately know how to solve it, just by intuition. By the time I started coding the web for a living, I felt like a rock star.

The Languages Which Almost Became CSS

When HTML was announced by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991 there was no method of styling pages. How given HTML tags were rendered was determined by the browser, often with significant input from the user’s preferences.

AngularJS Authentication and CORS · GitHub

Single Page Apps are ruling the world and AngularJS is leading the charge. But many of the lessons we learned in the Web 2.0 era no longer apply, and few are as drastically different as authentication. CORS is an oft-misunderstood feature of new browsers that is configured by a remote server.

The HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS

Caddy is an alternative web server that is easy to configure and use. Other web servers were designed for the Web, but Caddy was designed for humans, with today's Web in mind.

Everything I Know About The Script Tag

As you probably know, the script tag is used for specifying JavaScript which should be run in a webpage. A JavaScript tag can either include the JavaScript directly, or it can point to a URL where the script should be loaded from.

The Autocorrelation Function

The purpose of this tutorial is to show a simple technique to estimate periodicity in time series, called autocorrelation. This tutorial is part of a longer series that focuses on how to analyse time series.

Time Series Decomposition – Alan Zucconi

This tutorial has not been published yet! All my resources will be eventually available to the public. If you don't want to wait, please consider supporting my work on Patreon. Patrons can access all unpublished posts for preview.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.