Ahh, time zones. There are so many wonderful traps to fall into. Ignore the part I commented out, which just resolves the time zone from a locally cached copy. The guts of the code are at the bottom of the function.
Creative Coding with Unity15 minutes, 5 seconds
A Brain Dump of What I Worked on for Uncharted 4This post is part of My Career Series. Here is the Chinese translation of this post. ?????????
Cron best practicesThe time-based job scheduler cron(8) has been around since Version 7 Unix, and its crontab(5) syntax is familiar even for people who don’t do much Unix system administration.
On the Timing of Time Zone ChangesWhat do Turkey, Chile, Russia, Venezuela, Azerbaijan, North Korea and Haiti all have in common? Time Zone Chaos! No, that's not the punchline to a joke. It's actually quite a serious problem. The biggest issue with time zones is not that they exist, nor that they have daylight saving time.
The Elegant Code I Wish I Can Write In C# 7In my previous post Better Functional Programming Support Is Coming In C# 7 I argued that by the time you get a chance to write in C# 7 you should already be familiar with Functional Programming paradigm.
Must read book list for programmersBooks are a great source of knowledge and wisdom. But unfortunately, there are very few people reading books today. A programmer reading books is an even rarer occurrence, most often relying on the internet search results to find answers.
10 SQL Tricks That You Didn’t Think Were PossibleListicles like these do work – not only do they attract attention, if the content is also valuable (and in this case it is, trust me), the article format can be extremely entertaining. This article will bring you 10 SQL tricks that many of you might not have thought were possible.
Generating Sessions Ids · Code AhoySession Identifiers are a bit like Social Security numbers for the web. Session Identifiers (aka Session Ids or Session Tokens) are unique identifiers that are given to users when they log in. All subsequent requests from users has this Session Id that allows the server look up and identify users.
Apache StormWhy use Storm? Apache Storm is a free and open source distributed realtime computation system. Storm makes it easy to reliably process unbounded streams of data, doing for realtime processing what Hadoop did for batch processing.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.