Rob Janssen

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I’m a web developer and I’ve been stuck with the simplest app for the last 10 days — Medium

I’m a full time developer. Most of my work is developing web sites full-stack. Sometimes I write backend servers in Python or Ruby, sometimes I work with C#. I also develop command line utilities in C++ or Node.

SSH: Best practices at Aris' Blog - Computers, ssh and rock'n roll

Specification pattern: C# implementation

Specification pattern is not a new topic, there are many of its implementations on the Internet already. In this post, I’d like to discuss the use cases for the pattern and compare several common implementations to each other.

Vertical slices in ASP.NET MVC | Kenneth Truyers

What's new in CPUs since the 80s and how does it affect programmers?

My mental model of CPUs is stuck in the 1980s: basically boxes that do arithmetic, logic, bit twiddling and shifting, and loading and storing things in memory.

HTTP/2 and content delivery — Medium

Web servers supporting HTTP/2 can take advantage of a couple new features introduced as part of the specification to improve delivery of content over HTTP in order to significantly improve the end user experience of your application.

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Three Common Mistakes of the First Time Tech Lead

The first time a developer steps into the role of a Tech Lead can be difficult. The skills and experience of a seasoned developer do not automatically translate into the skills necessary for the Tech Lead role.

Visualizing Concurrency in Go · divan's blog

One of the strongest sides of Go programming language is a built-in concurrency based on Tony Hoare’s CSP paper. Go is designed with concurrency in mind and allows us to build complex concurrent pipelines. But have you ever wondered - how various concurrency patterns look like?

Adventures in High Speed Networking on Azure

At Illyriad Games we are building a new scale of gaming for Age of Ascent, an Ultra-MMO with real-time twitch combat at unprecedented scale.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.