Rob Janssen

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Reinforcement learning part 1: Q-learning and exploration

We’ve been running a reading group on Reinforcement Learning (RL) in my lab the last couple of months, and recently we’ve been looking at a very entertaining simulation for testing RL strategies, ye’ old cat vs mouse paradigm.

Here's What Happens When an 18 Year Old Buys a Mainframe

Connor Krukosky is an 18 year old college student with a hobby of collecting vintage computers. One day, he decided to buy his own IBM z890. This is his story. Connor's presentation 'I just Bought an IBM z890 - Now What?' - was featured at SHARE in San Antonio in March, 2016. For more

Semantic Versioning

Versioning your software is very important. Most people, and by people I mean engineers, assume they know how versioning works and in a lot of cases they are correct. However, it can't hurt to deep dive into how it works and why it works when it's done right.

Magical ORM's

Just like many things nowadays you have to ask yourself a question. Should I use some nice library or roll my own? I hate to date myself, but a lot of nice tools have come up in web development in the past decade which makes this much harder to decide. I prefer to roll my own simple solution.

Once Again on TCP vs UDP

[[About Vol.2 of the upcoming “Development and Deployment of MMOG” book. There is no need to worry, I just need some time to prepare for publishing of Vol.1. “beta” chapters of Vol.2 are planned to start appearing next week. Stay tuned!]]

Denormalization: When, Why, and How

Databases are designed in different ways. Most of the time we can use “school examples”: normalize the database and everything will work just fine. But there are situations that will require another approach. We can remove references to gain more flexibility.

Stop the Solution Explorer's Expansion Madness

Mads Kristensen shows off an extension he recently released, one that does something I've not seen done before (and didn't think was even possible!) Disable Solution Explorer's Dynamic Nodes A single-purpose extension that makes it easy to disable/enable Solution Explorer's dynamic nodes such as i

“Automagic” GPU Programming

We all agree, GPUs are not as easy to program as a CPU, even though CUDA and OpenCL provide a well established abstraction of the GPU processor design. GPU support in high-level programming languages such as Java, C# or Python still leaves a lot to be desired.

An Immutable World

I’m always fascinated when software somehow reflects the patterns of life, particularly when it leads to new ideas, either on how to write software, or on life itself. One aspect that’s drawn a lot of my attention lately is how modeling data in software relates to the “data” of reality.

The Sorry State of Convenient IPC

How do you implement communication between two or more processes? This is a question that has been haunting me for at least 6 years now. Of course, this question is very broad and has many possible answers, depending on your scenario.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.