Akka.NET is a .NET implementation of the actor model. The actor model is an old technology, originating in 1973 as an approach to parallel computing at a time when it looked like the computers of the future might be constructed using thousands of small, low-powered CPUs.
Who the Heck Wrote This? 3 Ways to Deal With Bad CodeWe’ve all been there. After hours or even days of tirelessly trying to narrow in on the cause of some small bug, you finally close in on a particular section.
HomeAs of December 1st, 2015, our name has officially changed to Xenko! Xenko is a powerful cross-platform game engine. Enjoy the latest features of .NET 4.6 and C#6 to write stunning games efficiently!
10 thousand times faster SwiftI guess this blog post is irrelevant for most App developers, as the performance optimisations, or rather pitfalls which I will discuss in this post are not that important in day to day App development.
Five Common Daylight Saving Time Antipatterns of .NET DevelopersIt's 2015, and Daylight Saving Time is just around the corner. For most of North America, the clocks will "spring-forward" on Sunday, March 8th, stealing an hour of precious time from our daily routine. A few weeks later, the same thing will occur in much of Europe on Sunday, March 29th.
Beware the Edge (cases) of Time!Ahh, time zones. There are so many wonderful traps to fall into. Ignore the part I commented out, which just resolves the time zone from a locally cached copy. The guts of the code are at the bottom of the function.
Creative Coding with Unity15 minutes, 5 seconds
A Brain Dump of What I Worked on for Uncharted 4This post is part of My Career Series. Here is the Chinese translation of this post. ?????????
On Software and HammersIn 1964 Abraham Kaplan said: “Give a small boy a hammer, and he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding”. Another famous version of this is known as Maslow’s hammer, and it goes like this: “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”.
Why you're always at least three steps down your HTTPS certificate chainMany web developers have heard the term 'certificate chain' before. You might have set up an 'intermediate' certificate on your server before - and maybe wondered why you needed to do that. But that's about it.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.