OAuth Sucks. I’m probably not telling you something that you don’t already know. If you’ve ever had to setup authentication to one (or heaven forbid) multiple authentication providers (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
<input> I ? you, but you're bringing me downSome people build furniture. Some people knit. Some people have hobbies that don't involve HTML specs from the 90s. I am not those people. So here's a story about <input>, how it got to be the jerk that it is, and why it needs to die in a fire. 1995 was a good year.
seriot.ch/resources/talks_papers/20151022_time_and_computers_softshake.pdfTLDR: A column about how TypeScript is pretty good, compared to ES6.
Search For Intelligent Aliens Near Bizarre Dimming Star Has BegunThe search for signs of life in a mysterious star system hypothesized to potentially harbor an "alien megastructure" is now underway.
Scientists can’t explain what huge object is blocking the light from this distant starIt’s not every day that we have permission to throw "Aliens?" out there in relation to a confounding astronomical discovery - in fact, I don’t think we ever have.
10 Questions Developers Should be Asking ThemselvesSo you want to become a web developer? Well then it’s time to put down that “Learn Super Duper Language v8.3 in 24 hours” book. Instead, make it a habit to ask yourself these 10 questions every day.
Thomas A. Limoncelli's answer to What is the fastest algorithm to find the largest number in an unsorted array?While Ken Alverson's answer about parallel answers is probably the best algorithmic answer, and Tim Farage's answer is probably the most literal interpretation of the question.... let me give the most pragmatic answer. Why pragmatic? Because I'm in operations and I actually live in the real world.
Tips for Entity Framework MigrationsMigrations are very powerful. When they work it’s awesome, but when things go wrong trying to determine what happened can be extremely frustrating. I have spent quite a bit of time mastering a process that works well for me. Here are a few pointers I have learned along the way:
VWDo you know the name Michael Horn? He's the CEO of Volkswagen of America.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.