Rob Janssen

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Hash functions in 100linesorless

I once found myself needing to implement a hash table from scratch; with it, I cooked up a hash function of my own, too. It's pretty simple, so in this post I'm going to walk through the process.

AWS in Plain English

Hey, have you heard of the new AWS services: ContainerCache, ElastiCast and QR72? Of course not, I just made those up. But with 50 plus opaquely named services, we decided that enough was enough and that some plain english descriptions were needed.

Partial Application in C#

My recent post, C# Program Entirely With Static Methods, got lots of great comments. Indeed, as is often the case, the comments are in many ways a better read than the original post. However, there were several commenters who claimed that C# does not have have partial application.

How to write a great error message

Imagine being in an office. In your cubicle. You’ve worked long hours this week for an upcoming product introduction. You’re tired and cranky, and you just want the weekend to finally arrive. But first you have to try if the homepage for the new product works fine on Windows 10.

The Demise of SMB 1 in the Windows Stack

My good friend Matt McSpirit has an issue with a file copy between servers in a datacenter. While daydreaming of it's completion - his mind wanders and encounters three members of the engineering team who supported the SMB 1 stack on Windows Server.

You're probably wrong about caching

Almost None of the Women in the Ashley Madison Database Ever Used the Site [Updated]

When hacker group Impact Team released the Ashley Madison data, they asserted that “thousands” of the women’s profiles were fake. Later, this number got blown up in news stories that asserted “90-95%” of them were fake, though nobody put forth any evidence for such an enormous number.

Ashley Madison Code Shows More Women, and More Bots

After searching through the Ashley Madison database and private email last week, I reported that there might be roughly 12,000 real women active on Ashley Madison.

Why is Windows lying about what root certificates it trusts? · HA

Did you know? The Windows Certificate Trust List (aka CTL) is the master source that determines all the root certs your system ultimately trusts by default. In contrast, good old certmgr.

Underflow bug

All of us are familiar with overflow bugs. However, sometimes you write code that counts on overflow. This is a story where overflow was supposed to happen but didn’t, hence the name underflow bug.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.