Windows 10 uses the Internet a lot to support many of its features. The operating system also sports numerous knobs to twiddle that are supposed to disable most of these features, and the potentially privacy-compromising connections that go with them.
7 realities of software development that your boss doesn’t understandDevelopers are more than aware that certain aspects of their job are considered unchartered territory by their boss – but what about the parts of software development that they shouldn’t be so clueless about? John Sonmez has put together a comprehensive list.
Who actually reads the code? — Free Software Foundation — working together for free softwareThis guest post was submitted by Ole Tange, maintainer of GNU Parallel. I am the maintainer of a piece of free software called GNU Parallel. Free software guarantees you access to the source code, but I have been wondering how many actually read the source code.
Problems with Computer Science EducationThere is a huge disconnect today in the way we teach computer science to students who wish to become software engineers, and what the industry expects of them when they graduate.
Oracle security chief to customers: Stop checking our code for vulnerabilitiesOracle's chief security officer is tired of customers performing their own security tests on Oracle software, and she's not going to take it anymore. That was the message of a post she made to her corporate blog on August 10—a post that has since been taken down.
9 Things I Learned as a Software EngineerThis post was written by Manuel Ebert. It was first published on Medium, and has been reposted here with his permission. You can follow Manuel on Twitter or on Medium.
This Hacker's Tiny Device Unlocks Cars And Opens GaragesThe next time you press your wireless key fob to unlock your car, if you find that it doesn’t beep until the second try, the issue may not be a technical glitch. Instead, a hacker like Samy Kamkar may be using a clever radio hack to intercept and record your wireless key’s command.
Clean Coder BlogI've been looking at rxJava. It's a nice little framework that helps you to create and manage observers. The design philosophy seems to be that everything can be observed and therefore everything ought to be managed by callback.
Logarithmic scaling with the fastest JSON validatorIf there’s something any backend engineer loves, it’s when they manage to solve a problem in an O(log(n)) way. I did that this week. As the number of requests per second goes up exponentially, the number of servers needed to handle them goes up linearly (until we reach a bandwidth bottleneck).
Why I'm The Best Programmer In The World*It's because I'm so humble, obviously. Allow me to illustrate with an excerpt from the personal character chapter of McConnell's Code Complete 2.0: Programming work is essentially unsupervisable because no one ever really knows what you're working on.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.