Rob Janssen

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C11 Lock-free Stack

C11, the latest C standard revision, hasn't received anywhere near the same amount of fanfare as C++11. I'm not sure why this is. Some of the updates to each language are very similar, such as formal support for threading and atomic object access.

The Fizz Buzz from Outer Space

Matteo recently interviewed a candidate that was employed elsewhere as an “architect”.

A Wild Anomaly Appears!

So, I’m working on the new Data Team at Stack Exchange now. Truth is we have no idea what we’re doing (WANNA JOIN US?). But every now and then we come across something that works a little too well and wonder why we haven’t heard about it before.

CSS Shapes Editor for Chrome

CSS Shapes allow web designers to wrap content around custom paths, but authoring them is not trivial. None of the traditional tools used in web design currently export code for CSS Shapes and the syntax conversion workflow is unwieldy and time-consuming. It wouldn't help too much even if they did.

Predicting the next Math.random() in Java

A while back a friend of mine hosted a programming competition where you were given 9 random numbers one at a time and you had to guess the rank (the sorted position amongst the 9) of each as they are coming in.

Lost Lessons from 8-Bit BASIC

The little language that fueled the home computer revolution has been long buried beneath an avalanche of derision, or at least disregarded as a relic from primitive times.

2Q buffer cache algorithm

Since the dawn of time, the OpenBSD buffer cache replacement algorithm has been LRU. It’s not always ideal, but it often comes close enough and it’s simple enough to implement that it’s remained the tried and true classic for a long time.

Numbers and culture · Schier

Converting a string to a number is a common use case. This C# code converts a string to a double: However, there is a potential bug in this code, can you spot it? If not, try to run the following code:

String Deduplication – A new feature in Java 8 Update 20

Strings consume a lot of memory in any application. Especially the char{} containing the individual UTF-16 characters is contributing to most of the memory consumption of a JVM by each character eating up two bytes.

HTML5 Cassette Audio Player Online DEMO


This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.