Rob Janssen

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Don't Link that Line Number!

Today I saw a co-worker take a link from a specific line number in our team's github repository and place it in the comments section of a user story. This is very helpful for those who need to see a quick reference to the code that could be causing a defect, but it's wrong.

Webinar: MongoDB for Time Series Data: Setting the Stage for Sensor Management

Why age in software is bullshit

It goes like this. Dave sure is shipping a lot of stuff.

SQLite: Small. Fast. Reliable. Choose any three.

SQLite is a fantastic database and in this post I'd like to explain why I think that, for many scenarios, SQLite is actually a great choice. I hope to also clear up some common misconceptions about SQLite. As the maintainer of an ORM, I get asked a lot of questions about databases.

The software design trends that we love to hate

This particular design trend found its footing in Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 design. It was all big, buttons and bright colors with no extraneous texture or ornamentation—ideas that later spread to Windows 8, iOS 7, OS X Yosemite, the Android L release, and many apps running on those platforms.

Euclideon's unlimited resolution: A viable theory.

They have since moved into the geospatial data industry, which is more suited to their technology than games, and the subsequent videos, to me at least, seemed rather vague as to how their technology worked (which is fair enough since it is likely very valuable).

0xCAFEBABE ? - java class file format, an overview

Written by and Nassim Eddequiouaq 2014-04-28 23:51:31

Analyzing some ‘Big’ Data Using C#, Azure And Apache Hadoop – Analyzing Stack Overflow Data Dumps

Time to do something meaningful with C#, Azure and Apache Hadoop. In this post, we’ll explore how to create a Mapper and Reducer in C#, to analyze the popularity of namespaces in the Stack overflow posts. Before we begin, let us explore Hadoop and Map Reduce concepts shortly.

harthur/brain · GitHub

Download the latest brain.js. Training is computationally expensive, so you should try to train the network offline (or on a Worker) and use the toFunction() or toJSON() options to plug the pre-trained network in to your website. Use train() to train the network with an array of training data.


Introducing Kits Organize your favorite icons into kits for your various projects. Learn More Premium Accounts have arrived. Never worry about attribution, save money, and support designers. Upgrade Premium Accounts Are Here Personal Account Helpful for the hobbyist. 10 icon licenses / month.

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.