Time series is a collection of numerical data points (often measurements), gathered in discrete time intervals, and indexed in order of the time. Common examples of time series data are CPU utilization metrics, Temperature of some geolocation, New User Signups of a product, etc.
An Introduction to Channels in C#Channels give us a way to communicate between concurrent (async) operations in .NET. Channel<T> was included in .NET Core 3.0 (so it's been available for a bit over a year now).
Design Patterns Explained with Food ??This repository was made as a way to demonstrate and learn using moderately realistic examples of the Gang of Four Design Patterns (Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software) by Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides.
C# with CSharpFritz S2 E5 - Get Started with OpenAPI and gRPC with ASP.NET CoreThis week, Fritz walks through building OpenAPI and gRPC services using ASP.NET Core. We look at the templates, command-line tools, and the Visual Studio 2019 features that make development with these protocols a snap. Questions: 00:07:15 Will you talk about HangFire? 00:45:20 Can you disable th
???? An Introduction to Time Representation, Serialization and Management in SoftwareMost issues in software development usually arise from poor, inconsistent knowledge of the domain at hand. A topic apparently as simple as time representation, serialization and management can easily cause a number of problems both to the neophyte and to the experienced programmer.
Linux Tips for BeginnersMany beginners find it hard to understand and adapt to Linux. In this post I will list a few helpful tips for Linux that can get you started on how to use it efficiently. This is probably an easy, obvious one to many of us but it is still important to list.
Creating custom dependency scopes in .NETSubscribe: http://bit.ly/ChapsasSub Support me on GitHub: http://bit.ly/ChapsSupport Get the source code: http://eepurl.com/gLjkuv Hello everybody I'm Nick and in this video I will show you how you can create your own custom scopes for your scoped dependencies. I am going to demistify a few miscon
Entity Framework Core 5.0: The Next Generation for Data AccessUse C#, .NET classes, and LINQ to interact with databases like Sqlite, Azure SQL Server and even Azure Cosmos DB from .NET 5 apps with Entity Framework Core. See the latest features in action like many-to-many, table-per-type and filtered includes.
GPIO — ESP Easy 2.1-beta1 documentationMost board do not have made all pins available. The NodeMCU boards have almost all usable pins made available and some which need special attention. The labels used in the tabel above are the labels on NodeMCU boards.
CoreWCF/CoreWCFWhat is Core WCF? Core WCF is a port of Windows Communication Framework (WCF) to .NET Core. The goal of this project is to enable existing WCF projects to move to .NET Core. Please note that right now, this port is not production ready.
This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.
This list is compiled from my Pocket list.