Rob Janssen

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Learn Git Branching

Learn Git Branching $ Git Hg

Distributed transactions are Not Micro-services

I’ve been a part of many Architecture-based discussions, reviews, and implementations, and have shipped many microservices’ based systems to the production. I pretty much agree with the ‘Monolith first’ approach of Martin Fowler.

Let's Learn x86-64 Assembly! Part 0 - Setup and First Steps

The way I was taught x86 assembly at the university had been completely outdated for many years by the time I had my first class. It was around 2008 or 2009, and 64-bit processors had already started becoming a thing even in my neck of the woods.


C# 8 is Introducing Ranges

We have been talking a lot about C# 8 features recently. We have talked about target-typed new expressions, about default interface methods and even about minor features like fixing interpolated verbatim strings. But one feature that we discussed before is the introduction of indexes.

Visual Live-Programming with vvvv

A visual live-programming environment that takes you from rapid prototyping to final production.

Computer color is STILL broken!

Photoshop's LAB color is amazing, but its positive effects should also be available in RGB color! Minute physics video from 5 years ago: My "How the hell does color correction work?! video: CORRECTION: Sometimes I say "luminosity," but really

Doing SSL Requests on ESP8266 Correctly

For a home automation project, I recently decided to get a handful of D1 Mini with the ESP8266 WiFi microcontroller. Thanks to Arduino support and the number and quality of available libraries, setting everything up and deploying a small sketch was a breeze.

Announcing .NET 5 Preview 1

At the end of last year, we shipped .NET Core 3.0 and 3.1. These versions added the desktop app models Windows Forms (WinForms) and WPF, ASP.NET Blazor for building single page applications and gRPC for cross-platform, contract-based messaging.

WSL2: Code faster on the Windows Subsystem for Linux! | Tabs vs Spaces

Learn all about WSL2, the new version of the Windows Subsystem for Linux, and what changes have been made to improve performance. Craig Loewen will show you how to get things installed and set up a Linux development workflow that is integrated with Windows and VS Code. Check out the faster IO perfo

This Read-It-Later-list is just that, bookmarks of stuff I intend to read or have read. I do not necessarily agree with opinions or statements in the bookmarked articles.

This list is compiled from my Pocket list.